Pfizer Announces 28% Primary Care layoff.


Only thing official is a very small layoff or just under 500 in NY & that can be verified on the internet. This is definitely not a 28% layoff anywhere in any division. Probably will be a bigger layoff somewhere down the road with the current Celebrex situation, but we can all just wait for that.

Only thing official is a very small layoff or just under 500 in NY & that can be verified on the internet. This is definitely not a 28% layoff anywhere in any division. Probably will be a bigger layoff somewhere down the road with the current Celebrex situation, but we can all just wait for that.

Just under 500 is a "very small" layoff to you?????????

If this is shocking then you have been under a rock for a few years. Cut some now and then some later. Replace with contract reps for a year and then more cuts. It's a cycle that churns and burns.

So where exactly is better? I ask this all the time and I never get specicics, nust generalities.

I hear crap like own your own business, sell software, start looking now, this industry is sinking, jump ship, go back to school, etc.

I would love to hear specific careers, jobs that are actually better than this gig.

I am in scientific grants management-however I had a life and a career with advanced science degrees before Pharma to return to. I know others in similar positions within hospitals I work with from Pharma. I also know nurse practitioners who went to school, left pharma and relaunched their career.

Don't sell yourself short-if you can truly sell, sell your account management skills, navigator of politics skills, budgeting skills, scientific knowledge base skills and relationship driver skills to land a job you want. And do not discount hiring a resume service to fashion a resume towards a position you want. it's key. I've landed out of pharma jobs twice. I'm on my second upward career move since pharma and it's been all up because I saw positions I could transfer my skills to and win. I landed and was told that my resume was impressive and that's what got me in the door. I talked from there, followed up with 30-60-90 day plan as well as SWOT analyses. I got the job and continue to land.

I'm sharing bc I want those of you who can to do better and be encouraged that you CAN land. If you can't sell, just focus on account management type of administrative/management jobs within the healthcare arena.

I'm on my 3rd reinvention (laboratory bench-pharma-grants management/biotech) and confirming it with an MHA paid by current employer. Go get your jobs people. You can do it. There is hope.

Best of luck,
15 year Pharma Sales/Training/Management Veteran with the stripes of pain and vision of hope

I am in scientific grants management-however I had a life and a career with advanced science degrees before Pharma to return to. I know others in similar positions within hospitals I work with from Pharma. I also know nurse practitioners who went to school, left pharma and relaunched their career.

Don't sell yourself short-if you can truly sell, sell your account management skills, navigator of politics skills, budgeting skills, scientific knowledge base skills and relationship driver skills to land a job you want. And do not discount hiring a resume service to fashion a resume towards a position you want. it's key. I've landed out of pharma jobs twice. I'm on my second upward career move since pharma and it's been all up because I saw positions I could transfer my skills to and win. I landed and was told that my resume was impressive and that's what got me in the door. I talked from there, followed up with 30-60-90 day plan as well as SWOT analyses. I got the job and continue to land.

I'm sharing bc I want those of you who can to do better and be encouraged that you CAN land. If you can't sell, just focus on account management type of administrative/management jobs within the healthcare arena.

I'm on my 3rd reinvention (laboratory bench-pharma-grants management/biotech) and confirming it with an MHA paid by current employer. Go get your jobs people. You can do it. There is hope.

Best of luck,
15 year Pharma Sales/Training/Management Veteran with the stripes of pain and vision of hope

How do you know if you can truly sell? What WE do is market messaging of mature drugs, in blocks of 20-50 seconds a time, 5 times a day, four days a week. How many people here have the ability to launch a career in the field of the sciences? Most (especially those at manager level) that I know couldn't handle the classwork.

How do you know if you can truly sell? What WE do is market messaging of mature drugs, in blocks of 20-50 seconds a time, 5 times a day, four days a week. How many people here have the ability to launch a career in the field of the sciences? Most (especially those at manager level) that I know couldn't handle the classwork.

Yup, we have been paid a lot of money for doing a small amount of pretty menial work. Upper management FINALLY figured that out. It was good while it lasted!!!

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