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Pfizer 401k whacked out?


I was watching a finance program on television and they said at Pfizer 86% of 401k money is invested in company stock - is that even possible after Enron?

Will the company pull this thread?

Are you a bit confused over the 401k and the pension plan?

They are probably talking about the company match. People at Pfizer may be too ignorant to realize they can diversify the company match part of their 401K after a certain age. At 40 they can diversify 25% of the match, at age 45 - 50%, at age 50 - 75% and after age 55 they can diversify 100%.

You would be a fool not to diversify your match. Pfizer stock has been dropping like a rock for 8 years now with turn around in site. Stop drinking the Kindler Kool Aid.

They are probably talking about the company match. People at Pfizer may be too ignorant to realize they can diversify the company match part of their 401K after a certain age. At 40 they can diversify 25% of the match, at age 45 - 50%, at age 50 - 75% and after age 55 they can diversify 100%.

You would be a fool not to diversify your match. Pfizer stock has been dropping like a rock for 8 years now with turn around in site. Stop drinking the Kindler Kool Aid.

Sorry - NO turn around in sight

Somebody explain "diversity of company match". In my company I can put 100% of the 401K match in what ever funds i want that are in the plan.

Not at Pfizer. Your company match goes into worthless Pfizer stock until you reach an age you can put it into funds that actually have a positive return.

I find it very interesting this last poster seems to be such a know-it-all. The fact is, you can spin your 401k match out of Pfizer stock the moment it hits your Fidelity account...there is no age requirement to divest it. Simply go to 401k.com, put your password and username in (for crying out loud....create one if you havent)....go to "exchanges" and proceed to follow the prompts to move money from the Pfizer allocation to something you feel more comfortable with. I do this for my wife twice a month. I simply go into her account and pull the dropped-in pfizer match (that comes 2 days after each paycheck) and move it into more diversified investment choices. It's quite simple. Remember....the key to any investment is your investment level. What do I mean? Pfizer is a major investment for each of you that work there. How so? If you lose your job tomorrow....you lose a ton of money!....(your salary, health insurance, car)!!!!! When do people lose their jobs?...when the company is not doing well (and what happens when a company isnt doing well?...its stock drops as well!) Why would you want ALL your eggs in that basket? And when I say "your eggs", I am referring to your lifestyle, your mortgage, rent, your kids clothes, AND YOUR RETIREMENT INVESTMENTS!
Very politely....get out of Pfizer stock not just because you think it will go down, but because your life is massively invested into it. Have balance.

I find it very interesting this last poster seems to be such a know-it-all. The fact is, you can spin your 401k match out of Pfizer stock the moment it hits your Fidelity account...there is no age requirement to divest it. Simply go to 401k.com, put your password and username in (for crying out loud....create one if you havent)....go to "exchanges" and proceed to follow the prompts to move money from the Pfizer allocation to something you feel more comfortable with. I do this for my wife twice a month. I simply go into her account and pull the dropped-in pfizer match (that comes 2 days after each paycheck) and move it into more diversified investment choices. It's quite simple. Remember....the key to any investment is your investment level. What do I mean? Pfizer is a major investment for each of you that work there. How so? If you lose your job tomorrow....you lose a ton of money!....(your salary, health insurance, car)!!!!! When do people lose their jobs?...when the company is not doing well (and what happens when a company isnt doing well?...its stock drops as well!) Why would you want ALL your eggs in that basket? And when I say "your eggs", I am referring to your lifestyle, your mortgage, rent, your kids clothes, AND YOUR RETIREMENT INVESTMENTS!
Very politely....get out of Pfizer stock not just because you think it will go down, but because your life is massively invested into it. Have balance.

How old are you ?

The person's age needn't matter... heed their advice. Some foreign funds are far outpacing domestic funds now but it's still going to be a long, long while before this market (and, subsequently, the rest of this globe) recovers. You'd be wise to put up to 30% in fixed income right about now (preferably CDs, even though they're paying out very little... at least your account isn't fizzling)... maybe even 40%. Once signs of a recovering economy are evident, slowly re-introduce those funds back into the market at regular intervals, say 5-7% at a time.

Your financial "planner" (what a joke) probably wouldn't recommend this, as they have bills to pay. The less money they're "managing" means less money for them. "Keep it in the market, it's gonna come back!" "Well, YOU can do that with YOUR money, idiot, but I'm not falling for that wad of crap any more. You advised me to do that two years ago, vowing that that the market would come back, and my account is now half its value." If he or she can GUARANTEE a return that at least keeps up with inflation (which, by the way, is well on its way), THEN and ONLY THEN should you do business with them. Otherwise, every year you stay with them your account slowly dwindles into nothing due to their irresponsible "management fees," not to mention (any) market losses you've incurred. A day will come when the investment community gets paid solely on performance - much like salespeople's jobs - if they don't perform, they don't make money; and vice versa.

It's your call.

I've been doing it since I was 30 so the age thing is bogus.

It doesn't matter if they changed the policy. I don't think someone below age 30 is allowed to diversify their company match. I asked your age, because YOU are probably old enough to be able to diversify and you do not realize there are restrictions in place for younger people.

I agree with other posters - diversify as soon as you are able. Get OUT of Pfizer stock.

You advised me to do that two years ago, vowing that that the market would come back, and my account is now half its value.

You dummy - you pulled your money out when the market hit bottom and missed all the gains. I rode it all the way down and then all the way up again. Now I'm 28% above the 401K total I had before the crash. Oh well, natural selection at work..........

Pfizer matches its 401k with Pfunny money and prints stock certificates to pay its monetary company matches. It's like a free printing press and the employee gets all the risk. This is called the "Enhanced 401k program" in lieu of CASH pension payments.

No money, no problem at Pfizer. Print more stock.

You dummy - you pulled your money out when the market hit bottom and missed all the gains. I rode it all the way down and then all the way up again. Now I'm 28% above the 401K total I had before the crash. Oh well, natural selection at work..........

Bully!! Quit picking on the guy, his advice was sound. Hopefully you were able to get past the quote you found so distasteful. If you did, you'll see he gave sound advice.

Also, you're bragging your 401k was up 28% above where it was 2 or 3 years ago. I'm happy for you, keep up the good work. Funny thing is, you've been investing in that fund all those years haven't you? Subrtract out your regular contributions to get your true value vs. 3 years ago. Your Pfizer stock is probably your top performing fund, and that stock is growing due to stock buy backs and downsizing news. We lost Lipitor, Eneblex and Aciphex (all billion + drugs) in the past 2 years. Why would our stock grow?

Also, do you really think someone who so thoughtfully expressed good investment advice cashed out and stayed out?

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