Pfizer’s AstraZeneca bid is a ‘deal from hell’. Ian Read 160 million $ man.


It's as good as Dead, we will make a sweetened offer which they will reject, they have too much political backing now to take it Hostile, it will be dragged on for years, not worth our time. They have 15 Billion in drugs going off Patent why would we overpay????

It's as good as Dead, we will make a sweetened offer which they will reject, they have too much political backing now to take it Hostile, it will be dragged on for years, not worth our time. They have 15 Billion in drugs going off Patent why would we overpay????

Because Ian's overinflated ego can't be beat by Pascal.

Deal is dead. Barron's is even calling for it. In the next few days should find out board of directors has Pfired Ian Read in Kindler-like fashion on a Sunday night.

Ian Read is "Wreck-It Ralph" under that monkey suit.

It may be time for Pfizer to stop its $100 billion pursuit of AstraZeneca. A deal for the big United Kingdom drug maker doesn't make much sense strategically and would shackle Pfizer to what is probably the worst-positioned major global drug company based on projected revenues and profits in the coming years.

Ian will pull all the stops to assure it does happen. If this does not happen it will mean the loss of his job and he cannot have so much egg on the PFE corporate face. So he will make it happen even if it means overpaying. Still the spectacle of the disdain this company gets from everybody is startling.

Ian will pull all the stops to assure it does happen. If this does not happen it will mean the loss of his job and he cannot have so much egg on the PFE corporate face. So he will make it happen even if it means overpaying. Still the spectacle of the disdain this company gets from everybody is startling.

I agree. I did think it was interesting that reports were that Ian was shaking so badly at the hearings that he had to use 2 hands to lift his glass of water. He is losing composure under fire. Frank just sits there like the MPs are wasting his time. Makes me wonder if Frank is really the evil genius and Ian is the front man. Ian looks so unassuming. Frank looks like he is gonna to bust some noggins Tony Soprano style if things don't work out. I'm not saying Ian is a good guy here, I know tax inversion is right up Ian's alley as a former accountant. But to see him shake was weakness. Who knew?