Personal Genetic Test - Save $100! sells the same test as AIBiotech. AIB test costs $200 but you can GET THE SAME TEST at 23andme for $99! New low price! Visit the website and see for yourself! Why spend more money for the same test?


(1) Not the same test
(2) Uses saliva, not mouth swab
(3) Uses chip technology, not Next-Gen sequencing

Get your facts straight before shilling for another company.

My facts are straight. I never claimed anything different from what you posted. Fact is though next gen sequencing is important for cancer testing and genetic mutations only, not your run-of-the-mill athlete performance that you are shamelessly marketing.

You are marketing a product by preying on people's fear and lack of overall knowledge about genetic testing. As Dr's we take an oath to help our patients, not take advantage of them. You and I both know that virtually the entire nation does not need the advanced data that next gen sequencing provides.

My facts are straight. I never claimed anything different from what you posted. Fact is though next gen sequencing is important for cancer testing and genetic mutations only, not your run-of-the-mill athlete performance that you are shamelessly marketing.

You are marketing a product by preying on people's fear and lack of overall knowledge about genetic testing. As Dr's we take an oath to help our patients, not take advantage of them. You and I both know that virtually the entire nation does not need the advanced data that next gen sequencing provides.

I disagree, "Dr." Let the world know when you publish something of substance defending your viewpoint on the topic and your supporting research. By publishing, I mean in a respectable peer review journal of sorts, not this electronic graffiti board gossip column. You were the one in high school that used to vandalize water towers weren't you?

I disagree, "Dr." Let the world know when you publish something of substance defending your viewpoint on the topic and your supporting research. By publishing, I mean in a respectable peer review journal of sorts, not this electronic graffiti board gossip column. You were the one in high school that used to vandalize water towers weren't you?

My favorite publication was the article stating that Bostwick got fined for illegal activity.

I disagree, "Dr." Let the world know when you publish something of substance defending your viewpoint on the topic and your supporting research. By publishing, I mean in a respectable peer review journal of sorts, not this electronic graffiti board gossip column. You were the one in high school that used to vandalize water towers weren't you?

Where are your publications? The only ones that I have seen were in opposition to your claims.