Perry is preaching again

The right reverend Sick Rick Perry continues to bluster his creationist view. Do the the repukes have any candidate who isn't a radical religious fanatic? Hope not, because they will lose the middle of the road who don't want religious indoctrination from anyone, jew, muslim, evangelical or pentecostal.

This piece of shit president obama-like coward mother just pimped out her kid. The gutless slut didn't have the balls to ask him herself. She is either a public school teacher, or a useless SAHM. This is despicable. She's definitely a "look at me" type. Her environmental volunteer group will be very proud of her. She must be a thrill a minute to be married to.

This piece of shit president obama-like coward mother just pimped out her kid. The gutless slut didn't have the balls to ask him herself. She is either a public school teacher, or a useless SAHM. This is despicable. She's definitely a "look at me" type. Her environmental volunteer group will be very proud of her. She must be a thrill a minute to be married to.
Would have been funny if Perry had said: Little fella, tell your mommy that when she grows up she can ask her own questions.

I'm beginning to see why so many people like Perry. He doesn't dismiss evolution and there is not anything wrong with his statement that evolution is a theory and there are some gaps:

On Thursday, in New Hampshire, Perry told a woman and her son that he regarded evolution as "a theory that's out there" and one that's "got some gaps in it.”

When a woman in South Carolina congratulated him for his remarks Friday, Perry replied “Well, God is how we got here. God may have done it in the blink of the eye or he may have done it over this long period of time, I don't know. But I know how it got started."

The majority of the US believes in one nation under God and the right to practice the religion of your choice. Where but the US would you see a candidate like Perry alongside Romney? The nation is finally tiring of the lib agenda to end religion instead of allowing freedom of religion. You are wrong, his views are a Perry strength, not a weakness. The ONLY place where his religious views trouble me is in terms of stem cell research. While this is very near and dear to my life, when we are in this financial mess with no plan at all to improve it, when there is someone in office intent to level the US to the status of other nations, this is a small issue in comparison.

Don't like it? Don't read it, but the truth is the truth, the fool said it and you will never see it reported on the Faux news shows, or hear about from the likes of fat Limbaugh.

It is a riot to see the cons here on CP attack any souces they view as 'liberal', but at the same time they expect others to take FOX News and the comedian Limbaugh as credible sources.

Can they not see through their own hypocrisy on this issue?

Why don't you die hard Obama lovers roll out for us what he has done that you are so proud of? Let's hear the issues you care about the most that he has championed and changed or improved for you guys. Tell me how your lives have tangibly improved since you elected Obama. Can't wait to hear it.

Wrong thread. Pay attention to the OP.

Why don't you die hard Obama lovers roll out for us what he has done that you are so proud of? Let's hear the issues you care about the most that he has championed and changed or improved for you guys. Tell me how your lives have tangibly improved since you elected Obama. Can't wait to hear it.

Since you've decided to repeat yourself, let me join you:
On 12/31/2008, the DOW was 8776.39. That and bin Laden got dusted under his watch...... now tell uis, what did Bush do that tangibly improve YOUR life?

Since you've decided to repeat yourself, let me join you:
On 12/31/2008, the DOW was 8776.39. That and bin Laden got dusted under his watch...... now tell uis, what did Bush do that tangibly improve YOUR life?
And I will too. What did Obama do to raise the DOW? Go ahead...cause and effect.

BTW, until Bush starts running for a third term we'll not waste time on your silly attempt to divert attention from your Nerobama.