Pernix Is Terrible


Pernix Therapeutics is the worst pharma company in the U.S. Anyone who is affiliated with them whether employed or owning stock should die. I hope all of you lose your money and your loved ones.


Disgruntled EX-Employee who Pernix just denied unemployment benefits.

Pernix Therapeutics is the worst pharma company in the U.S. Anyone who is affiliated with them whether employed or owning stock should die. I hope all of you lose your money and your loved ones.


Disgruntled EX-Employee who Pernix just denied unemployment benefits.
Why did they deny your benefits?

Stop blaming others and take responsibility for your own actions. If you weren't brought to Pernix through the Zogenix buyout, didn't fill out the job application, interview on several occasions, collect and spend the pay checks, then you may have a case to complain. Otherwise, get out and do something about your current situation. Stop being so bitter and wishing bad on others. Jesus loves all.

did you fill out the ubeployement form?

Some States consider severance wages, once your severance is paid, you would be eligible for unemployment. That is not a Pernix issue that is a State issue.