Perking up the workplace

FROM: Lilly Employees
SUBJECT: Lettuce have a say in your next employee morale boosting idea since the future of Lilly is at stake.

Giving us a produce or else proposition is like a statuatory rake. Any CEO that takes inflated compensation for ideas like this must be a real hoe. Perhaps it's time you look at getting into another farm-a field. Can we im-peach you? Our sinking stock price leaves us feeling melon-coly and your motivational plans are dated. What a tree-mendous idea - turning the Lilly Corporate Center into the worlds largest compost heap! Go spread your manure elsewhere JL.

Re: Perking up the workplace`

'...we want a FUN environment...' The spokesmouth spake as 50-60 people end their LilLie careers on Monday, Jul. 18 thanks to the never-ending "reallocation".

Take a look around LCC...if you can find anyone, they look like they're mainlining deep-fried butter, lard hoagies and and batter-dipped whoppers made with krispy kremes. I'm sure any fresh veg. is used as a weapon.

The most interesting part of this article is the idea of retaining "most qualified employees" This makes the 20 - 45 year olds feel valued but we still see the over 50 crowd diminishing.... No future at this company.

I believe you used the word "diminishing" rather than using the words "being let go", "getting reallocated", to save the pension dollars.

Well of course! We need funds to pay Sidney's astronomical pension, which he earned by virtue of his marketing genius. Illegally pushing Zyprexa for off-label indications, ignoring the insulin don't get these kinds of brilliant moves for free! And if some honest, ordinary people had their lives wrecked because they believed what they were told, well, that's the most brilliant marketing move of all! Give him another $8 million!

It's a bit late for this. Management has seriously wrecked morale. I'm not sure it can ever recover. And at least in LRL a lot of the best people have already left. Those that remain will leave when they can. The company will be left with the Chinese whom they've worshiped at the expense of everything else. It's done, and too far gone to retain.

It's a bit late for this. Management has seriously wrecked morale. I'm not sure it can ever recover. And at least in LRL a lot of the best people have already left. Those that remain will leave when they can. The company will be left with the Chinese whom they've worshiped at the expense of everything else. It's done, and too far gone to retain.

The mood in LRL is quiet desperation and that is on a good day. There is no way to replace that sense of purpose after watching so many people being marched out the door. All that remains is the palpable haze of doom and gloom that is made worse with each 5-minute Lechletter, each half-baked PM session, the ocean of red badges and a soul-draining call to 77000. I can only hope that the new owners do a better job of running things than this batch of yes-folk and robber barons.

Lilly wants to "retain top talent". Wait a minute, so all the older, experienced, loyal, and previously (just last year) highly sucessful employees (but now this year) unsuccessful employees being forced to retire or leave are slackers? How did they fool everyone into thinking they were top talent for those 20, 30 + years as they received highly successful performance ratings?

Well morale in LRL Clin Ops is great. Even the AA is getting a free trip to China to make sure the 30 Chinese meeting attendees and Clin Ops mgmt. get coffee in the morning. I guess we just cant find a meeting planning company close to Beijing that can send someone on-site for 4 days under $4,000 which is what it cost to send the AA, so it must be a "perk".

Well morale in LRL Clin Ops is great. Even the AA is getting a free trip to China to make sure the 30 Chinese meeting attendees and Clin Ops mgmt. get coffee in the morning. I guess we just cant find a meeting planning company close to Beijing that can send someone on-site for 4 days under $4,000 which is what it cost to send the AA, so it must be a "perk".

AA is there to provide entertainment as a banjo/poledancer

Well morale in LRL Clin Ops is great. Even the AA is getting a free trip to China to make sure the 30 Chinese meeting attendees and Clin Ops mgmt. get coffee in the morning. I guess we just cant find a meeting planning company close to Beijing that can send someone on-site for 4 days under $4,000 which is what it cost to send the AA, so it must be a "perk".

What is more unnerving is that if this is the one that works for "R", she has personally been responsible for the destruction of several of her co-workers during her entire career with the company. Liars are consistently rewarded at Lilly. It's about time for her bad behavior and dishonesty to be stopped. On the other hand, she gets away with this, because she "fits" in with the culture of lying.

John said the budget talks were still "very early" and it was "hard to draw any conclusions," but warned that additional spending cuts on drug program would have a sharp impact on jobs "and I don't think that's where we want to go." Lilly is in the midst of cutting 15,500 jobs to cut $3 billion in costs, a program that began more than a year ago and will continue regardless of budget cuts.

Trade groups say illegal Chinese copying of music, designer clothing and other goods costs legitimate producers billions of dollars a year in lost potential sales. The American Chamber of Commerce in China says 70 percent of its member companies consider Beijing's enforcement of patents, trademarks and copyrights ineffective.

Piracy is especially sensitive at a time when Washington and other Western governments are trying to create jobs by boosting exports. In 2009, the World Trade Organization upheld a U.S. complaint that Beijing was violating trade commitments by failing to root out the problem.

Rampant copying also has hampered Beijing's efforts to attract technology industries because businesspeople say companies are reluctant to do high-level research in China or bring in advanced designs for fear of theft. Eli Lilly is losing billions annually.

Response to works for "R". Yes this is the one that works for "R" and I personally know several employees she destroyed just by lying against them. She gets rewarded for all the cover up she does for her Mgmt. Team. If anyone threatens her throne, she destroys them. EVIL

Response to works for "R". Yes this is the one that works for "R" and I personally know several employees she destroyed just by lying against them. She gets rewarded for all the cover up she does for her Mgmt. Team. If anyone threatens her throne, she destroys them. EVIL

So, why can't anyone get her turned in and tossed out onto the street? She's pulled this on far too many people. I can't believe her managers get sucked into her deception. She has a BAAADDDDD reputation all over the company. Makes you wonder if her family has any idea what a two-faced liar she is. She has absolutely no idea what it means to tell the truth, and she has no desire to know or do it. It's long past time for the rest of you to form a group and go to HR to set them straight on the damage she has done to several employees at Eli Lilly. If necessary, get legal advice on how to stop her and present your case to HR. She has been protected by them as well, so you have to wonder how honest HR management is at the company.

Do you suppose she was responsible for the sudden disappearance of the assistant she replaced? You have to know she was trying to get her job for quite some time before that. She has no conscience whatsoever.