Performance Reviews-QXR


Does anyone know what the percent increases to our salary are?? I know they depend on the category you fall into….Champion, Exceptional, Satisfactory etc…. but it has been quiet about what percent increase, if any we will get?? anybody know?

The turnover is ridiculous. Instead of motivating they kick us in the ass as if we haven't been out here trying to sell this "blockbuster" in a tier 3 world. Makes one wonder what bonuses the RAMs were awarded for dropping the ball on medicaid.? Did they get disciplined for their lack of performance?

The turnover is ridiculous. Instead of motivating they kick us in the ass as if we haven't been out here trying to sell this "blockbuster" in a tier 3 world. Makes one wonder what bonuses the RAMs were awarded for dropping the ball on medicaid.? Did they get disciplined for their lack of performance?

I'd give my left nut for tier 3 coverage.
Chop my leg off at the knee and tell me to run faster? Sure. Because obviously I've been sandbagging these docs for a better bonus structure.