Performance review appeals


Only if HR was involved to avoid what was definitely a subject rating and risk to the company involving clear potential litigation. You have to be willing to fight in order to get justice!

Has anyone or know of anyone, that has successfully appealed their 2013 performance review in either objectives, or values and behaviors?

Yes - hard to do with Objectives but can definitely be done with V&B. Be prepared to document:
Program activity, full use of budget, meeting or exceeding V&B for your rank, look at growth in territory especially versus the region or nation, any and all meeting or teleconference activity that you led or were a part of. For the record it's impossible to appeal and win at the executive level. I was unsuccessful but a close friend who was at a lower rank appealed his V&B and won.

I filed appeal on my 2012 for both objectives and v&bs. My attorney helped me with the verbiage. HR called me within 3 hrs of submitting it and the changes were made within a wk of that. However, I had a strong solid case and a lot of documentation
Best of luck

The appeals process is nothing more than window dressing to make things seems fair and equitable. Unless it looks like you may have legal recourse, you will be denied.

What you don't realize is that any PMP is not designed for the employee they are all in reaction to employment lawsuits claims. A properly designed and minimally executed PMP offer a lot of cover for the employer. The Novartis PMP is a large US Corp standard screw job and you just experienced it. Don't fight just lay back and enjoy it.

There are many ways to "lean" on a Rep without violating any laws...and the older Rep is far more susceptible to management giving them low performance reviews, values and behaviors...all legal of course!

The whole system is rigged and subjective! Complain and risk being singled out.

The appeals process is in place to prevent lawsuit. Most who don't agree with their review say nothing because they know the consequences of complaining. Those who go through the appeal rarely win. These people soon realize they are now on the radar. More ride alongs, no more good assignments for the resume. It is a no win situation. Novartis is toxic and time to look else where

The appeals process is in place to prevent lawsuit. Most who don't agree with their review say nothing because they know the consequences of complaining. Those who go through the appeal rarely win. These people soon realize they are now on the radar. More ride alongs, no more good assignments for the resume. It is a no win situation. Novartis is toxic and time to look else where

Bingo. Go on take the money and run!!!

The appeals process is in place to prevent lawsuit. Most who don't agree with their review say nothing because they know the consequences of complaining. Those who go through the appeal rarely win. These people soon realize they are now on the radar. More ride alongs, no more good assignments for the resume. It is a no win situation. Novartis is toxic and time to look else where

The entire PMP process is to prevent / limit employment lawsuits. It is for their benefit not yours.

The entire PMP process is to prevent / limit employment lawsuits. It is for their benefit not yours.

Save the intimidation tactics you corporate drone. Your attempts to sway reps away from appeals is moronic. Reps should be confident and sound with their appeal and not scared of the process. It can and will work in reps favor if they document mgmt flaws which is quite common with the many Novartis incompetent mgrs.

Save the intimidation tactics you corporate drone. Your attempts to sway reps away from appeals is moronic. Reps should be confident and sound with their appeal and not scared of the process. It can and will work in reps favor if they document mgmt flaws which is quite common with the many Novartis incompetent mgrs.

Sure, and you go to Vegas you should go with your "gut" and bet it all when you feel the vibes.

Fuukin moron!