performance rating went from outstanding by supervisor to successful by personel


I just got screwed by management and personnel. After 27 years of outstanding to exemplary ratings including this year by supervisor. Personnel and management decided to drop me down to Successful. Only at Lilly does 3 extemporary ratings and 2 outstanding rating = successful. That’s like 3 A's and 2 B's = C in collage. To top it off since they changed the pay scales last years I also am not getting a raise or the promotion I was put in for. Talk about totally de-motivating your employees. So now I am in the running for redeployment. So in an effort to save billion bucks they needed to gig me since I make to much (60,000) per year. I just saw an email from John that 150 top execs will be going to Asia for a month. Lets see, 150 top execs x 4000 per 1st class tickets, Hotels, meals, drinks, call girls = 1,000,000 bucks. I am glad I could help!!!!

Wish they would come up with an early retirement package so I can get the hell out

I know how you feel - pretty much the same thing happened to me and my colleagues.

Basically they're still looking for 2700 or so employees to dump from the original 5500. My guess is that by doing crap like this they're hoping that number will find themeselves and leave. Much cheaper than severance payments and so hard to prove constructive dismissal, especially when the only growing team in Lilly is Legal and you'd get screwed if you tried to claim that against the co.

I just got screwed by management and personnel. After 27 years of outstanding to exemplary ratings including this year by supervisor. Personnel and management decided to drop me down to Successful. Only at Lilly does 3 extemporary ratings and 2 outstanding rating = successful. That’s like 3 A's and 2 B's = C in collage. To top it off since they changed the pay scales last years I also am not getting a raise or the promotion I was put in for. Talk about totally de-motivating your employees. So now I am in the running for redeployment. So in an effort to save billion bucks they needed to gig me since I make to much (60,000) per year. I just saw an email from John that 150 top execs will be going to Asia for a month. Lets see, 150 top execs x 4000 per 1st class tickets, Hotels, meals, drinks, call girls = 1,000,000 bucks. I am glad I could help!!!!

Wish they would come up with an early retirement package so I can get the hell out

Sadly, you are being 'managed out'. That's how they are. Next, it will be Low Successful, or U. If it has not been recorded as such by HR for Immolation. Read the signs.

Just the beginning. The other favorite tactic is to assign you to a project they know wont be funded or will be canceled. Then everyone on the project gets cut and it looks all nice and clean.

I'm not surprised. With fewer and fewer positions available, competition for those positions will become violent. From a managerial perspective, it only make sense to eliminate those who are a threat to your own job or career. If you are a better performer than your manager, then you are a target for redeployment. Your manager is merely working on his/her own job security. It's called self-preservation or looking out for number 1. I've also seen this in the PM's that I've reviewed. People are spending more time talking about the failures of their team than they are talking about their own successes or failures. I don't see this changing anytime soon.

Managerial dishonesty and cowardice is rampant at Eli Lilly and Company. Think about how many hours of time your manager puts in..Start noting down every little issues, and report to your manager's manager. This way if your ePM is screwed by your manager (and HR), you at least can screw your manager. Plan to leave while having job. IT may be easier to get job while on the job. Job market is very plan to screw Lilly and change company. Spill your bile here if you are let go...Good luck.

Just the beginning. The other favorite tactic is to assign you to a project they know wont be funded or will be canceled. Then everyone on the project gets cut and it looks all nice and clean.

Very true - that happened to a couple good friends. No wonder there was no surprise by the mgmt. What is complete hypocrisy is that considerable money is spent using this tactic, all the way up until the project fails. Of course, the company then gets off the hook for paying u/c ... so humane... some folks would be better off sent to the dog shelter, at least they would find a new home (or be put to sleep).

Great job Lilly M-class. Rot where the sun don't shine.

I just got screwed by management and personnel. After 27 years of outstanding to exemplary ratings including this year by supervisor. Personnel and management decided to drop me down to Successful. Only at Lilly does 3 extemporary ratings and 2 outstanding rating = successful. That’s like 3 A's and 2 B's = C in collage. To top it off since they changed the pay scales last years I also am not getting a raise or the promotion I was put in for. Talk about totally de-motivating your employees. So now I am in the running for redeployment. So in an effort to save billion bucks they needed to gig me since I make to much (60,000) per year. I just saw an email from John that 150 top execs will be going to Asia for a month. Lets see, 150 top execs x 4000 per 1st class tickets, Hotels, meals, drinks, call girls = 1,000,000 bucks. I am glad I could help!!!!

Wish they would come up with an early retirement package so I can get the hell out

You should count yourself luck you only go taken down to successful - I was originally rated the same as you only to find out later that it hand been changed to unsuccessful which also resulted in no pay rise. I'm also not the only person it happened to this year. And with Lilly's policy of no promotion for 2 yrs following a 'low successful' rating, not only did i not get the promotion I should have got, I also now can't get one for at least 2 years.

You should count yourself luck you only go taken down to successful - I was originally rated the same as you only to find out later that it hand been changed to unsuccessful which also resulted in no pay rise. I'm also not the only person it happened to this year. And with Lilly's policy of no promotion for 2 yrs following a 'low successful' rating, not only did i not get the promotion I should have got, I also now can't get one for at least 2 years.

That's almost always political bs, we all know it, why treat everyone like children.

I like kids. I like parents. But sometimes we treat others like kids at work, 'cause we do that at home. It's wrong and it has to stop... at this point I would say "life or death" of the company depends on fair, meritocratic assessments, not personality contests.

I worked with one fine person who happened to be the group party organizer - didn't know squat, didn't perform - but organized all of the group events ... EXEMPLARY

Sadly, you are being 'managed out'. That's how they are. Next, it will be Low Successful, or U. If it has not been recorded as such by HR for Immolation. Read the signs.

So true. This happened to me last year and several of my colleagues. I'm actually glad I went early. It is continuing to happen more and more, the performance bar has been raised. However, from what I am hearing, ratings are subjective and political, based on your relationship with your manager. And yes, Lilly still needs to reallocate over 2000 this year.

You can proactively leave or wait to be managed out. But for those that receive less than high successful, I'd say: start looking immediately.

So true. This happened to me last year and several of my colleagues. I'm actually glad I went early. It is continuing to happen more and more, the performance bar has been raised. However, from what I am hearing, ratings are subjective and political, based on your relationship with your manager. And yes, Lilly still needs to reallocate over 2000 this year.

You can proactively leave or wait to be managed out. But for those that receive less than high successful, I'd say: start looking immediately.

I can guess who you are. You work in HR. Busted.

I just got screwed by management and personnel. After 27 years of outstanding to exemplary ratings including this year by supervisor. Personnel and management decided to drop me down to Successful. Only at Lilly does 3 extemporary ratings and 2 outstanding rating = successful. That’s like 3 A's and 2 B's = C in collage. To top it off since they changed the pay scales last years I also am not getting a raise or the promotion I was put in for. Talk about totally de-motivating your employees. So now I am in the running for redeployment. So in an effort to save billion bucks they needed to gig me since I make to much (60,000) per year. I just saw an email from John that 150 top execs will be going to Asia for a month. Lets see, 150 top execs x 4000 per 1st class tickets, Hotels, meals, drinks, call girls = 1,000,000 bucks. I am glad I could help!!!!

Wish they would come up with an early retirement package so I can get the hell out

Whoever your manager is could not convince your director and perhaps other managers that you warranted a higher rating. Or it could be that your manager just threw you under the bus. In either case, your manager has the responsibility to represent you or come clean as to why he/she did not.

Whoever your manager is could not convince your director and perhaps other managers that you warranted a higher rating. Or it could be that your manager just threw you under the bus. In either case, your manager has the responsibility to represent you or come clean as to why he/she did not.

BULL. Managers are given only a very limited amount of high ratings. It's competitive.

Why are you spreading this misinformation?

Just keeping you honest...

Managerial dishonesty and cowardice is rampant at Eli Lilly and Company. Think about how many hours of time your manager puts in..Start noting down every little issues, and report to your manager's manager. This way if your ePM is screwed by your manager (and HR), you at least can screw your manager. Plan to leave while having job. IT may be easier to get job while on the job. Job market is very plan to screw Lilly and change company. Spill your bile here if you are let go...Good luck.

OH YES... so true, THANK YOU whoever you are. At one point in my Lilly career, I was doing the work of about three of the Prozac era veterans (all very spoiled, overpaid, generally underutilized in every way). So what happened? They perceived me as a threat and proceeded to attack in small ways, saying typos were a "quality problem"

These days, I just lmao - if the company would have had current software (Google will do it for free) and I had a reasonable amount of work, it would have been exemplary in every category, every year. After I left, they paid the price. Not happy about that, but hey some people just do it to themselves. Bye.

BULL. Managers are given only a very limited amount of high ratings. It's competitive.

Why are you spreading this misinformation?

Just keeping you honest...

Any manager worth his salt would be able to defend his people if he had his facts straight and had honestly assessed his people to begin with. Are you saying the manager did not know that there would be a limited number of high ratings? Obviously that is not the case. The worst manager in the world is one who can't support his people and then comes back and blames the director or other managers. Either way, this manager has no kijones.

Any manager worth his salt would be able to defend his people if he had his facts straight and had honestly assessed his people to begin with. Are you saying the manager did not know that there would be a limited number of high ratings? Obviously that is not the case. The worst manager in the world is one who can't support his people and then comes back and blames the director or other managers. Either way, this manager has no kijones.


What if said manager is over his head in an upside down mortgage and has no prospects

I just got screwed by management and personnel. After 27 years of outstanding to exemplary ratings including this year by supervisor. Personnel and management decided to drop me down to Successful. Only at Lilly does 3 extemporary ratings and 2 outstanding rating = successful. That’s like 3 A's and 2 B's = C in collage. To top it off since they changed the pay scales last years I also am not getting a raise or the promotion I was put in for. Talk about totally de-motivating your employees. So now I am in the running for redeployment. So in an effort to save billion bucks they needed to gig me since I make to much (60,000) per year. I just saw an email from John that 150 top execs will be going to Asia for a month. Lets see, 150 top execs x 4000 per 1st class tickets, Hotels, meals, drinks, call girls = 1,000,000 bucks. I am glad I could help!!!!

Wish they would come up with an early retirement package so I can get the hell out

If that would have happened to me during my 30 year career with Lilly, I would have quit on the spot. As it was, I DID quit on the spot the minute my manager asked me to do something illegal. Luckily, I had enough points for full retirement. If the above post is true, Lilly indeed has turned in to a steaming pile of crap.

Whoever your manager is could not convince your director and perhaps other managers that you warranted a higher rating. Or it could be that your manager just threw you under the bus. In either case, your manager has the responsibility to represent you or come clean as to why he/she did not.

My manager has the backbone of a jelly fish. To worried about there career to represent me properly

My manager has the backbone of a jelly fish. To worried about there career to represent me properly

They are doing it to get rid of people and to save bonus money. They are sticking to A LOT of people now and the rest will get i eventually.

Management is all running very scared and do whatever they need to do to survive another year. They know that their time is also limited. Any management that remains has NO MORALS what so ever! None of them care about any of the people. Lilly just wants another 3000 people gone this year any way that they can and Lilly at the same time is attacking the bonus money of the many to add to the > $1 Billion in savings promised in the media. People are only of value right now if they have critical knowledge that still needs to be extracted to an outsourcing provider (train the replacements). Then they will also be gone.

All that will be left is JL and a bunch of outsourcers continuing to rob Lilly blind. When the money disappears they will walk away and then Lilly will be screwed. It's a house or cards about to collapse.