performance enhancers for swine


"...In addition, the company [Lilly] offers animal health products, such as cattle feed additives; antibiotics to treat respiratory and other diseases in cattle, swine, and poultry; leanness and performance enhancers for swine and cattle; protein supplements to improve milk productivity in dairy cows; anticoccidial agents; antibiotics to control enteric infections... "

"...In addition, the company [Lilly] offers animal health products, such as cattle feed additives; antibiotics to treat respiratory and other diseases in cattle, swine, and poultry; leanness and performance enhancers for swine and cattle; protein supplements to improve milk productivity in dairy cows; anticoccidial agents; antibiotics to control enteric infections... "

Yes, Elanco makes an adrenergic that causes the little piggies to stay active, thereby increasing lean muscle to fat ratios. Crispier bacon!!!

performance enhancers for swine?

Executive zero-cost stock options.

Frequent flier miles.

First class seating, or better yet, a private corporate jet.

Can anyone help me out with this