People leaving early

problem was some people were allowed to leave, others were told they had to stay. Those that left came up with beautiful excuses, and than leadership told Rds that people shouldn’t be leaving. Meanwhile the leadership team split early. A lot of people away from their families who are without power, it should have never come to that. They should have sent people home Thursday in the morning.

Friday should be a travel day...PERIOD! Nobody pays attention awards night should be the end. Celebrate, go home. Have district time on Tues or Wed, cut out superfluous general sessions!

so what if some people left early? How does that effect you? Oh wait, it doesn’t. What is wrong with people like you that have to complain that someone got to do something that you didn’t? Newsflash - The world is not fair but be grateful and happy for what you have and shut the fuck up when it comes to being jealous about what other people have or do.
The poster complaining about people leaving early is likely the same envious, whiner that is bent out of shape because people are posting about achieving PClub.

so what if some people left early? How does that effect you? Oh wait, it doesn’t. What is wrong with people like you that have to complain that someone got to do something that you didn’t? Newsflash - The world is not fair but be grateful and happy for what you have and shut the fuck up when it comes to being jealous about what other people have or do.
The poster complaining about people leaving early is likely the same envious, whiner that is bent out of shape because people are posting about achieving PClub.

Wrong. I won pclub and was upset not everyone was there cheering for me... because they left early.
Bottom line - be an adult, suck it up, and stay for the meeting. Nobody cares about your problems.

Bullshit. Nobody in sales gives a damn about awards night. Even those who win. This is a total bullshit post.

Totally. No sales person could possibly care if they were awarded presidents club in front of the entire company or 1 on 1. It's kind of funny what HQ posts pretending to be sales people. This is why they will never have a clue what's going on.

Wrong. I won pclub and was upset not everyone was there cheering for me... because they left early.
Bottom line - be an adult, suck it up, and stay for the meeting. Nobody cares about your problems.

One of the charity HQ winners. Pat yourself on the back and replay the recording you made to relive the moment... Ignore all the empty chairs. Just tell yourself they are filled with your imaginary friends.

LOL. When he talks, all I do is anticipate the next word he will mispronounce. Mumbles Sternberg is an embarrassment.
How does anyone on the board have any confidence in this guy? I've seen him present multiple times and he is about as dynamic as the guy who pumps out my septic tank. Seriously, does anyone ask Flem, "What the eff' are you thinking?"

Where was Mark R and Perry on Friday while the rest of us were told we had to stay until Friday even though a storm was confirmed to be heading to the east coast and flights were being cancelled?


Where was Mark R and Perry on Friday while the rest of us were told we had to stay until Friday even though a storm was confirmed to be heading to the east coast and flights were being cancelled?

Please get your facts straight before posting shade on management! On Friday, senior management met for a day long strategic planning meeting in Orlando. Most of the participants did not get back home to Sunday due to cancelled flights. So I suggest shut your lying mouth.