People jumping ship


Word is getting out of several reps (again) abandoning ship, I think they know something... there’s also a reliable source talking about major compensation changes coming very soon.

I heard they will possibly roll the compensation plan that’s being used for the livestock group over to the companion group. It will benefit some reps, and hurt others, just like most changes.

Hopefully they won’t do this the way they did with Livestock. Fired everyone and rehired some. They could have just fired reps, but the intent behind doing it this way was to get those rehired to sign a noncompete. They were in essence not employees and had to apply for their jobs.

Oh yeah, the dreaded non-compete, ABC’s way of making sure we don’t feel the need to better ourselves should something better come along. When they hit the livestock group with this last year, there were reps that actually went to the NSM that hadn’t signed it yet. Could be a repeat for the companion side.