people into deep

I am a formed employee of the hell hole known as WC. The FEDS came to my home a few days ago asking a lot of questions. I told them the truth! They ended up giving me a subpoena to testify before a grand jury…. Any similar experience…thoughts..?

I am going to assume that the posters are using their phones, which sometimes auto completes a word as you begin to type it. No doubt WC is screwed, but it amazes me that nothing more has hit the press.

So what's the skinny????

Re: JP in too deep

Feds visted me. Heard JP got served an indictment . us ex employees, are lining up to testify. July 25th..Here I come!

I would love nothing more than to see WC management get what's coming to them!!! What is happening on July 25th?? WC is the poster child for what is/was ring with pharmaceuticals!

Reps were supeoned to testify what they were told to do my DMs. Most have hard evidence and can't wait to share it.

Not a problem for WC unless documented proof of wrong doing by executives. A DM telling a rep to do something is no big deal for the company. Sorry, if thats all you have, all is well with WC.

Not a problem for WC unless documented proof of wrong doing by executives. A DM telling a rep to do something is no big deal for the company. Sorry, if thats all you have, all is well with WC.

That's funny if you think this company isn't in trouble. When the Feds call out the DM's who do you think they are going to rat out? This will lead it's way to the top. From the bottom to the top.

Not a problem for WC unless documented proof of wrong doing by executives. A DM telling a rep to do something is no big deal for the company. Sorry, if thats all you have, all is well with WC.

This is being investigated at the state and federal level. . . not some local sheriffs office! They wouldn't open up an investigation unless they already had some sort of proof (i.e., documented evidence). As long as my paycheck keeps showing up I'm good, but all is not good at WC.