Pension plan


Interviewing with BI. Does BI offer a pension plan (not 401k plan) for US employees? If so, how long before one is vested within this pension plan?

If you make the stupid decision of actually joining BI (after having been laid off by Wal-mart) you will need a very solid pension plan, or maybe 2 or 3...

There is not a traditional pension plan now. It stopped in 2004. there is a cash value fund that is in place and you roll that over if you leave the company. Only those reps that started before 2004 will be eligible for a pension or monthly payout at retirement. This is not the best site to gain information as you can tell from the idiot above.

There is not a traditional pension plan now. It stopped in 2004. there is a cash value fund that is in place and you roll that over if you leave the company. Only those reps that started before 2004 will be eligible for a pension or monthly payout at retirement. This is not the best site to gain information as you can tell from the idiot above.

No pension plan at all? Is BI really that broke and stupid?

No pension plan at all? Is BI really that broke and stupid?

Like this is 1940, who does pensions???? Bi has a 5% match and that's all you need, seriously, do you want to be like every other yahoo company who goes chapter 11 and dumps your money ?? Be smart and put away money with their 401k match and move on. Pensions have ruined this country and all the union bulkshit that goes along with it. Take some personal responsibility for yourself and dock away your own money and stop trying to live off the dole of a business.

Bi has a "NOMINAL" pension if you were hired after 2004 that equates to a few hundred dollars a month after you reach 67. You can't live off this, so sock money away now. With the growing conservativeness of American social security will be ended in the near future with a plurality of voters stopping it. Santorum has already pledge to end s.s. as a big mistake. If they say we do ss for only those today over 65 and none if younger every over 65er will kill the program. If you rely on s.s. and a few hundred a month to live on you will be broke. Dave money NOW for later. Vote republican and help kill social security so none of these idiots gets a penny of my money. It's my taxes and old people don't deserve it!

Like this is 1940, who does pensions???? Bi has a 5% match and that's all you need, seriously, do you want to be like every other yahoo company who goes chapter 11 and dumps your money ?? Be smart and put away money with their 401k match and move on. Pensions have ruined this country and all the union bulkshit that goes along with it. Take some personal responsibility for yourself and dock away your own money and stop trying to live off the dole of a business.

Bi has a "NOMINAL" pension if you were hired after 2004 that equates to a few hundred dollars a month after you reach 67. You can't live off this, so sock money away now. With the growing conservativeness of American social security will be ended in the near future with a plurality of voters stopping it. Santorum has already pledge to end s.s. as a big mistake. If they say we do ss for only those today over 65 and none if younger every over 65er will kill the program. If you rely on s.s. and a few hundred a month to live on you will be broke. Dave money NOW for later. Vote republican and help kill social security so none of these idiots gets a penny of my money. It's my taxes and old people don't deserve it!

You're gonna need at least 4-5 pension plans when all the late-stage failures start coming in, and pradaxa gets pulled. That will be the day, when you regret that you were born. Stupid BI imbecile.

You're gonna need at least 4-5 pension plans when all the late-stage failures start coming in, and pradaxa gets pulled. That will be the day, when you regret that you were born. Stupid BI imbecile.

"late stage failures", okay nostradamus. You should probably worry about 12-21-12 before you waste your time on here. Thanks for playing though, umm...buh-bye.

I don't think many companies still do a pension, no matter what industry. Unless you work for the govt. or you're a teacher.

You are correct. What is absurd is that the government continues to allow employees to retire at age 55! The vast majority of these people may actually collect retirement benefits
for more years that they actually worked! We the tax payers are funding this insanity! This
process will eventually bankrupt our country, much like what has happened in Greece.

No pension plan at all? Is BI really that broke and stupid?

Are you that stupid? Most companies have no pension now. The 401K took that role in planning for the future. Before 2004 they did and then discontinued it. BI is no "broke or stupid" they did what the majority of corporations have done. Try doing a little rewading on what is going on in the financial world before showing your ass.