Pension, Arbitration, PTO


Insurance everywhere is expensive.

Be careful what you wish for with the exchanges. Maybe the premiums look affordable, but watch the cost sharing. Some 50% coinsurance for drugs, etc.

One way or another, the insurance provider is gonna get their's (also known as YOUR money.)

If u can anticipate your need for medical, pharmacy and any other healthcare expenses, then u can make a better determination of what path is more financially feasible.

They will take away your health insurance and make you get it on an exchange. It's coming look at Walgreen and several other company's have done. Thanks Obama

Obama had nothing to do with PTO, Arbitration, Pension.

I do like Obama's idea of de-coupling my healthcare from my employer so I won't get fucked by COBRA and BIPI when there's a next layoff. I welcome the exchanges! Thanks Obama! yeah

Obama has everything to do with the changes.
Companies have to make up the cost savings elsewhere, with all the BS we
and the companies are gonna have to pay.
Get ready b/c Apr 15, 2015 is when the chit will hit in this country.

Obama has everything to do with the changes.
Companies have to make up the cost savings elsewhere, with all the BS we
and the companies are gonna have to pay.
Get ready b/c Apr 15, 2015 is when the chit will hit in this country.

Please explain how Obama went to Connecticut and asked them to create a Arbitration clause?

Typical BI DM. Are you too dumb to sign up for Medicare? Or do you need your RD to show you as part of your teamwork and collaboration project?

If you have a pension and other funds coming in for a nice income ($150,000) Medicare Part A and B will cost you over $350 per person plus the cost of your supplement and part D
I know you will moan about the income , but a lifetime of working, saving an inheritance can make it happen.

If you have a pension and other funds coming in for a nice income ($150,000) Medicare Part A and B will cost you over $350 per person plus the cost of your supplement and part D
I know you will moan about the income , but a lifetime of working, saving an inheritance can make it happen.

How much did you save? How much do you get in pension p month, how much SS? Did you retire good at BI?