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Pennsylvania Pin Heads


Alright, Trump is going to win New York. Big surprise, he's supposed to, it's his home state.

Cruz won TX big, Kasich won Ohio big and just to hold serve Lying Donald has to win New York big.

Trump will win but don't be surprised if Cruz picks up some delegates. Trump is desperate For a win having being shellacked the last month or so by Cruz across the nation.

Trump will probably win Connecticut as well which is about as lost as NY, but after that Lying Donald could find things an bit bumpy.

Cruz has a strong chance to do well in Maryland, Deleware ie Northeast states. The Northeast is not the Trump goldmine some of you believe it to be and when it comes to Pennsylavqnia which some of your dullards have been quick to give to Lying Donald, you'd better slow down.

Only 17 of Pennsylvania's delegates will be determined by the primary. The vast majority of them will be determined at a convention and we know whose been rocking the state Coventions and that's Honest Ted! So Cruz could easily come out with the majority of delegates even in a place like PA.

Just remember you heard it here first, Trumpsters and Cruz derangement syndrome suffers. Trump won't get to 1237. Won't win on the first ballot in Cleveland and on a later ballot Cruz will!

Say hello to President Cruz!!!

Young, exciting, fresh and ethnically diverse!!!!

A historic presidency: our first Hispanic president and heir to the Reagan Legacy!!!

America! What a great place where we can correct the mistake of a black socialist disaster with a Hispanic conservative solution!

It's gonna be morning in America again with President Cruz!!!!!!!

Alright, Trump is going to win New York. Big surprise, he's supposed to, it's his home state.

Cruz won TX big, Kasich won Ohio big and just to hold serve Lying Donald has to win New York big.

Trump will win but don't be surprised if Cruz picks up some delegates. Trump is desperate For a win having being shellacked the last month or so by Cruz across the nation.

Trump will probably win Connecticut as well which is about as lost as NY, but after that Lying Donald could find things an bit bumpy.

Cruz has a strong chance to do well in Maryland, Deleware ie Northeast states. The Northeast is not the Trump goldmine some of you believe it to be and when it comes to Pennsylavqnia which some of your dullards have been quick to give to Lying Donald, you'd better slow down.

Only 17 of Pennsylvania's delegates will be determined by the primary. The vast majority of them will be determined at a convention and we know whose been rocking the state Coventions and that's Honest Ted! So Cruz could easily come out with the majority of delegates even in a place like PA.

Just remember you heard it here first, Trumpsters and Cruz derangement syndrome suffers. Trump won't get to 1237. Won't win on the first ballot in Cleveland and on a later ballot Cruz will!

Say hello to President Cruz!!!

Young, exciting, fresh and ethnically diverse!!!!

A historic presidency: our first Hispanic president and heir to the Reagan Legacy!!!

America! What a great place where we can correct the mistake of a black socialist disaster with a Hispanic conservative solution!

It's gonna be morning in America again with President Cruz!!!!!!!
If that happens, the GOP will find someone besides Cruz with a brain (and who is a legitimate citizen) and Trump will go for a 3rd party bid (like Perot did) and then Clinton will win (like 1992). Then you goofballs will be so pissed about not confirming the current SCOTUS nominee.

If that happens, the GOP will find someone besides Cruz with a brain (and who is a legitimate citizen) and Trump will go for a 3rd party bid (like Perot did) and then Clinton will win (like 1992). Then you goofballs will be so pissed about not confirming the current SCOTUS nominee.

Thanks for making a fool of yourself. Trump pulls from a different group of voters than Perot did. He's as likely to hurt Clinton as he is Cruz.

And yes, Cruz is going to be the Republican nominee and He will win the general.

You don't know about sore loser laws do you? LOL!

Thanks for making a fool of yourself. Trump pulls from a different group of voters than Perot did. He's as likely to hurt Clinton as he is Cruz.

And yes, Cruz is going to be the Republican nominee and He will win the general.

You don't know about sore loser laws do you? LOL!
One mo time, Trump just won NY :cool:

LYIN TED IS DONE ......Get his ass back to Canada where he belongs...Trump is as American as apple pie....Bye Bye Teddie The People Have Spoken ....End of Story...Crooked Hilliary is Trumps next target !!!!!

And Trump is going to win in PA too.

Cruz is poised to lose the next 5 states. :D:D:D

Say goodbye to Canadian Ted!

Idiot boy, it's impossible for Cruz to lose the next 5 states anytime soon. Now, I'm gonna see if you can figure out what I mean.

But since you're not very bright I'll tell you all you really need to know: Say Hello to President Cruz!

Idiot boy, it's impossible for Cruz to lose the next 5 states anytime soon. Now, I'm gonna see if you can figure out what I mean.

But since you're not very bright I'll tell you all you really need to know: Say Hello to President Cruz!

Lets take a look at the latest poll numbers from THE NEXT 5 STATES:

1. Connecticut - Trump + 20
2. Delaware - Trump + 37
3. Maryland - Trump + 14
4. Pennsylvania - Trump +15
5. New Jersey - Trump + 28


In 4 out of 5 of the above states, Cruz is polling in 3rd place.

That's all you really need to know.

Say good-bye to candidate Cruz!

Lets take a look at the latest poll numbers from THE NEXT 5 STATES:

1. Connecticut - Trump + 20
2. Delaware - Trump + 37
3. Maryland - Trump + 14
4. Pennsylvania - Trump +15
5. New Jersey - Trump + 28


In 4 out of 5 of the above states, Cruz is polling in 3rd place.

That's all you really need to know.

Say good-bye to candidate Cruz!

Apparently you never tire of being mad a fool of by the polls.

Doesn't matter if Cruz is in 3rd place, even if Trump wins these states he's not getting the necessary delegates to sew up the nomination. If Kasich figures into the equation, so much the better for Cruz.

It's clear that you really don't understand the process and are easily duped by polls which are often of dubious value. Did you know that Trump consistently underperforms his RCP polling average, while Cruz outperforms his by double digits? No you didn't, you're just a gullible little hating fool who engages in wishful thinking. In the end, Cruz will win PA, you watch!:D

Say hello to President Cruz! :p

Apparently you never tire of being mad a fool of by the polls.

Doesn't matter if Cruz is in 3rd place, even if Trump wins these states he's not getting the necessary delegates to sew up the nomination. If Kasich figures into the equation, so much the better for Cruz.

It's clear that you really don't understand the process and are easily duped by polls which are often of dubious value. Did you know that Trump consistently underperforms his RCP polling average, while Cruz outperforms his by double digits? No you didn't, you're just a gullible little hating fool who engages in wishful thinking. In the end, Cruz will win PA, you watch!:D

Say hello to President Cruz! :p

Say hello the the Biggest FOOL in the history of Message boards. Watch the brain of a clueless child in motion....We are laughing at you,...Hardy Har Har ...Biggest loser ever ! ..You lose AGAIN ......:p:p:p:confused::confused::confused:


Say hello the the Biggest FOOL in the history of Message boards. Watch the brain of a clueless child in motion....We are laughing at you,...Hardy Har Har ...Biggest loser ever ! ..You lose AGAIN ......:p:p:p:confused::confused::confused:


Not to worry, come November the Trump
Train will derail in a horrible train wreck and we will have President Clinton. Then Trump, no wait, YOU will be the biggest loser ever and I'll be right here to laugh at you, the biggest fool and the biggest loser of all! :D:D:D:D:D

Thanks for making a fool of yourself. Trump pulls from a different group of voters than Perot did. He's as likely to hurt Clinton as he is Cruz.

And yes, Cruz is going to be the Republican nominee and He will win the general.

You don't know about sore loser laws do you? LOL!

Tell us about those sore loser laws?