PDI taking over Pfizer


Yes, before long those of you that are still in the Pfizer sales force will join those of us that have been cut in the past. We will then see if you still have that self-righteous attitude of feeling you are better than those of us that were downsized.

Yes, before long those of you that are still in the Pfizer sales force will join those of us that have been cut in the past. We will then see if you still have that self-righteous attitude of feeling you are better than those of us that were downsized.

thank goodness. My ego is becoming way too large!

Yes, before long those of you that are still in the Pfizer sales force will join those of us that have been cut in the past. We will then see if you still have that self-righteous attitude of feeling you are better than those of us that were downsized.

Sorry to hear that you were cut, but we make our own way in life. Sometimes luck goes your way, sometimes it doesn't. Get over it, go make your own luck and stop crying over the past. Move on! So sad to see how many former Pfizer employees hang out on this site. I like to see if there is any good gossip but as usual, it is 98% crap. So I sit and wait for the latest to trickle down hill. At least I still get to read the three or four company provided e-mails a day that tell me how wonderful some office is in $%@*hole Africa or China. Just be thankful your e-mail doesn't fill up with that crap! We could save some money by getting rid of everyone that generates those e-mails! Might save enough to buy gas for a helicopter.

Yes, before long those of you that are still in the Pfizer sales force will join those of us that have been cut in the past. We will then see if you still have that self-righteous attitude of feeling you are better than those of us that were downsized.

Don't think everyone has the attitude you describe. In fact, anyone who does is full of crap, in the eyes of others who are still here. Who stayed and who left... it's anyone's guess how someone made those choices.

I have a great job here at Pfizer and i'm very worried it will come to an end.

Sorry to hear that you were cut, but we make our own way in life. Sometimes luck goes your way, sometimes it doesn't. Get over it, go make your own luck and stop crying over the past. Move on! So sad to see how many former Pfizer employees hang out on this site. I like to see if there is any good gossip but as usual, it is 98% crap. So I sit and wait for the latest to trickle down hill. At least I still get to read the three or four company provided e-mails a day that tell me how wonderful some office is in $%@*hole Africa or China. Just be thankful your e-mail doesn't fill up with that crap! We could save some money by getting rid of everyone that generates those e-mails! Might save enough to buy gas for a helicopter.

You want gossip? Let's do it! I want to hear some new gossip too.