PDI Select Access State of the Nation


It all starts with strong leadership. If the stockholders at PDI –INC and their elected CEO and Presidents don't hire a business acquisition team and sales directors with connections to other companies then you get no contracts. Nancy and America and most of the recent leadership at PDI have lost their connections, hence no new business other than the scraps of contracts that others have tossed aside.

I have worked for PDI off and on for 10 years. The quality and scope of the contracts in the last 5-7 years has deteriorated greatly. The big question is why???? How do other contract sales companies seem to be still be landing sizable contracts for both full and flextime time employees? Please don’t bring up the Affordable Care Act as a root cause of the lack of PDI business. If you have been employed at PDI you know for a fact that they have been only landing small contracts for the last 5-7 years that seem to last no longer than one year. Many only last for a few months.

One issue is may be that big pharma is not releasing new drugs at the rate they did 5-10 years ago. PDI's success has traditionally come from pushing along profitable established drugs that are no longer the prime focus of a big company or by promoting and milking the last dollars from a drug that will go off both patent and insurance coverage.

In the last few years I worked at PDI I started to see more of a trend of big pharma companies delegating their older drug promotion to their own reps. These companies also use the strategy of telemarketers (ironically one of PDI's own branches) or just doing direct mailing, internet ads and distributing samples of those secondary drugs to their largest customers.

It amazes me that Nancy and others can sell the same BS line about the bright future of PDI to stock analysts year after year at their quarterly business meetings. Stock prices have continued to hover around 5 to 7 per share during their tenure. New sizable contracts are nonexistent.

10 – 15 years ago PDI stock prices were in the 20- 29 share range. Contracts were abundant and the sales reps made decent salaries and benefits.

In the case of Tamiflu which was a steady seasonal business for PDI for the previous10 years. The new manufacturer realized that they had the market cornered on the flu business. There was no need to hire any outside salesforce to promote this drug. All they had to do is run a couple of strategically placed TV ads on shows like Good Morning America viewed by moms and sprinkle a few public service announcements to create enough buzz and paranoia about flu for Tamiflu will walk of the pharmacy shelf. I was very surprised that PDI kept Tamiflu for so many years.

If anyone else has other theories on why PDI has tumbled so far or strategies for them to recover I’d like to hear them.

Good Luck and Good Selling!

The first post was very well said! Even "Robust"! All observations you stated are 100 percent correct. PDI has changed drastically after America and Frank, etc took the helm. they obviously do not have the connections or the respect for the industry or for the PDI employees. Over the last few years our contracts are short term or products like prozac or vicodin with new dosing. doctor seriously do not care about. shared team will be phased out in 2014!!!

I would like to briefly comment on the thoughtful post which started the conversation.

First, I would point out a factor not mentioned, namely, OTCs, which were a large and profitable portion of our business. Some of our biggest and longest-running contracts included Bayer aspirin, Excedrin and Metamucil, just to name a few. When America came on board from Johnson and Johnson, I was told by one of her dragalongs that "America Lopez-Louise does not do OTCs, she wants PDI to be strictly an RX company". At that time, I did not realize the weight of what he was saying and the repercussions that would follow.

Secondly, the elephant in the room: I can't say how PDI is doing as an entire entity so I will not comment re Nancy Lurker, but, the answer? Upper management has not done its job. Fire upper management.


Confidence Call? When did she have a confidence call? We have gone through this type of situation before over the years but I truly think this time we are about to be let go. So many reps were laid off and asked to send their equipment back and this has never happened before. Usually they want you to hang on to the computer etc. so that you can be up and running immediately. We basically have until June and I think it's over since not a word about anyone working on anything for Shared Sales or whatever we are called these days. I wonder how long until they shut us down early for Abbvie? Get those resumes dusted off because it's not looking to promising at PDI.

Yes, many were let go very abruptly and there was absolutely no communication after the 2 minute conference call. Absolutely no communication from anyone. Not even a thanks for a job well done and your time here has been appreciated. Class act of a company...not!