PC2,3, CV to carry Tribeans

Are you kidding me? You are crying because you have to study some? 10% of the salesforce is going to be let go and you don't want to study? If you don't like it then quit, it might help save someone who wants to be here.

That's what I'm talkin' about! You know, I was a little pissed that I was going into the weekend still not knowing if I have a job, getting to sweat through my jammies and sheets and throwing up all weekend. But now I get to look forward to studying Trizor...YEAH, BABY!!! I don't think I can contain my excitement, so I'm going to the pantry to find the bottle of Tabasco and shake a few jiggers in my eyeballs, just to help the good times to keep arollin'!!!

Help me understand, I get to study Tribeans even though I may be one of the 10%? I don't get it. Wouldn't the prudent thing to do is let the reps know who is going to Vegas first? Oh, I remember now, these are the same people who forcasted the billion dollar success of Azor and Effient. Just saying.

This is classic pharma bullshit. Putting 1000 more reps on this products will mean very little to the bottom line, just buying more time for the idiots in the home office. Remember the Titanic was thought to be unsinkable!!!

Help me understand, I get to study Tribeans even though I may be one of the 10%? I don't get it. Wouldn't the prudent thing to do is let the reps know who is going to Vegas first? Oh, I remember now, these are the same people who forcasted the billion dollar success of Azor and Effient. Just saying.

Maybe it means that they won't be laying us off after all. Why would they train us for three weeks and then let us go?

Wow...so your PC1 is doing well and that should impact layoffs? Get a clue, big picture, Tribenzor is in the tank with sales and these alignment decisions were made long before "your" PC1 was doing well! Believe it or not, these impending decisions are much bigger than your small PC Territory or any REP in it!

So do you think they are going to layoff PC1? Then the rest of us our safe. Seems like a strange idea since my PC1 is actually doing really well with Tribenzor.

You think that because your specific territory is having success with Tribenzor that it would effect a company wide layoff decision? Cmon that's a ridiculous thing to say. Have some sense.

I think the person meant how can csi blindly just layoff pc1 instead of looking at individual reps and making decisions on who to cut based on performance regardless of sales force duh

I think the person meant how can csi blindly just layoff pc1 instead of looking at individual reps and making decisions on who to cut based on performance regardless of sales force duh

You've obviously never been thru a layoff before. Big picture, dollars, volume. Performance and how awesomely cool a specific rep is will never play into the layoff decisions. Sad but true.