Pay Raises due soon: What % range?

Since there is a dramatic cost reduction, I think 9% and 5% likely. This will motivate our product sale, and will advice job seekers that we still operate under old boys norms. You can't get to our stellar inner square. Good discussion point. I give Five shining stars.

Anyone hear yet? Exemplary 6% H.S. 4%

A big unknown is what is going on with bonus. The rumor is that performance rating doesn't matter. They are stealing money from many to give to a few. So, don't be shocked if bonus is not what has been stated. JL said that successful would get 0.9 - 1.1. It sounds like it could be much lower for every so that a few people can get elevated bonus up towards 150% of normal. Instead of giving everyone their bonus they are taking money from everyone else so that management can give it to their "chosen few".

That is called Ph.d. in kleptology..Neutered shareholders can't do a tit. So I am glad people work as if in chinese or mexican sweatshops for me..ha ha, hhaa, hahah, ha