Pay? Just curious what its like here?

Serious answers please. Thanks and wish the best for you all with the product launch.

Total Comp?

Good company to work for?

It's hard to get a straight answer here, there are so many jokers on the board. They are hiring their first sales force, so no one knows what it's like to work here. Base comp appears to be low to mid 100's, about par for specialty sales. Target bonus said to be 45k, with company car. If you're not in the mix yet, it may be too late, but it's worth a try. Some parts of the country appear to be running way behind schedule, but I think others have already been filled. The product and pipeline appear good. Good luck.

Serious answers please. Thanks and wish the best for you all with the product launch.

Total Comp?

Good company to work for?
Base - 140 to 160K
Bonus - 45k MBO (only someone not working can’t get there)

Good company to work for - putting out a lot of fires for doctors who want to prescribe for off-label use and DEA (government) challenges with marijuana rescheduling.

Go for it!

I agree with last post.

The question is will it be a good person to work for.

I believe very high risk. DEA will not reschedule and if available will be schedule 2 or 3. Doctors will not want to go through the hassle.

They already prescribe mainly generics because they are heartless bastards who will not go out of their way to help in most cases.

Or maybe.its just not very effective. Going from 80 seizures a month to 64 is no one's idea of a cure. And the clinical trials show those are the real numbers. 22.9% reduction in seizure activity.

Or maybe.its just not very effective. Going from 80 seizures a month to 64 is no one's idea of a cure. And the clinical trials show those are the real numbers. 22.9% reduction in seizure activity.

You’re right, the data was so bad that two of the pivotal trials were published and highlighted in the New England Journal of Medicine. The FDA advisory committee voted unanimously for a recommendation of approval, and the FDA approved the product early. good for these patients at all.

Check yourself fool. Want don’t you try to understand the patient type that is affected. We aren’t talking focal seizures here.

Check yourself fool. Want don’t you try to understand the patient type that is affected. We aren’t talking focal seizures here.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Michael, that was inspiring. The wheat grass shot you call a drug reduces seizures less that 50% of the time. The lead author says its "not a panacea" that means effective. And you just hired a sales force with zero experience in this market. If your stock wasn't already tanking I would be shorting this all day long. But maybe you are on to something by rewriting the last 20 years of pharmaceutical recruiting.

Check yourself fool. Want don’t you try to understand the patient type that is affected. We aren’t talking focal seizures here.

Thanks Michael, that was inspiring. The wheat grass shot you call a drug reduces seizures less that 50% of the time. The lead author says its "not a panacea" that means effective. And you just hired a sales force with zero experience in this market. If your stock wasn't already tanking I would be shorting this all day long. But maybe you are on to something by rewriting the last 20 years of pharmaceutical recruiting.[/QUOTE]

Definition of panacea: a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases.

Another word for this would be perfect. Find me a drug that has 100% efficacy. If you were having 100 seizures per day, a 50% reduction would probably look pretty good to you. Perhaps brush up on your vocabulary before being so crushed that you had to start spewing insults. Wait until you see the actual experience in epilepsy at this company. Sorry that yours wasn’t good enough.

Maybe you’re on to something by holding on to the past forever.

Check yourself fool. Want don’t you try to understand the patient type that is affected. We aren’t talking focal seizures here.

Thanks Michael, that was inspiring. The wheat grass shot you call a drug reduces seizures less that 50% of the time. The lead author says its "not a panacea" that means effective. And you just hired a sales force with zero experience in this market. If your stock wasn't already tanking I would be shorting this all day long. But maybe you are on to something by rewriting the last 20 years of pharmaceutical recruiting.[/QUOTE]

This guy's a moron. Doesn't even know how to understand and interpret data. No wonder he didn't get the job.

I am sure % of the trolls will try to kill me in the comments. SO HERE IT GOES.

The base is great 145K + 45 Bonus & 40K in stock. If you aka I need a job this would be GREAT! What if I didn’t need a job, would I leave to come here with the data that’s out there? The NEJM isn’t that convincing only a 22.9% difference from current therapies.

Honestly I don’t care if only dick reply, but it’s something to think about.

Went into one of my KOL’s and told him I was going to work for GW.

He told me not only does the DEA have to schedule the medication but the states have to pass legislation as well.

He said expect the DEA to give favorable rescheduling but the state can take many months. Also our Attorney General Sessions is trying to block rescheduling.

I am sick to my stomach. I think I just made a horrible decision. Was so caught up in the “Change History” and patient need I never realized this thing may take a year to be approved in my conservative state.

Went into one of my KOL’s and told him I was going to work for GW.

He told me not only does the DEA have to schedule the medication but the states have to pass legislation as well.

He said expect the DEA to give favorable rescheduling but the state can take many months. Also our Attorney General Sessions is trying to block rescheduling.

I am sick to my stomach. I think I just made a horrible decision. Was so caught up in the “Change History” and patient need I never realized this thing may take a year to be approved in my conservative state.

What state are you in?

Went into one of my KOL’s and told him I was going to work for GW.

He told me not only does the DEA have to schedule the medication but the states have to pass legislation as well.

He said expect the DEA to give favorable rescheduling but the state can take many months. Also our Attorney General Sessions is trying to block rescheduling.

I am sick to my stomach. I think I just made a horrible decision. Was so caught up in the “Change History” and patient need I never realized this thing may take a year to be approved in my conservative state.

You could always look for another job and never mention GW on your resume.

Has any management or senior leadership addressed your issues and concerns and what do they plan to do about it?

I’m only asking because not all the Territories are full yet.

Went into one of my KOL’s and told him I was going to work for GW.

He told me not only does the DEA have to schedule the medication but the states have to pass legislation as well.

He said expect the DEA to give favorable rescheduling but the state can take many months. Also our Attorney General Sessions is trying to block rescheduling.

I am sick to my stomach. I think I just made a horrible decision. Was so caught up in the “Change History” and patient need I never realized this thing may take a year to be approved in my conservative state.
You’re on $45K MBO. Who cares if it takes a year. Sit back, relax and take it to the bank