What is the pay for a Regional Sales Manager job? What kind of role is it?
What is the pay for a Regional Sales Manager job? What kind of role is it?
What is the pay for a Regional Sales Manager job? What kind of role is it?
Great job and opportunity to impress CRM companies (although most RSM's are happy and don't want to leave). Well respected and well connected.
Great job and opportunity to impress CRM companies (although most RSM's are happy and don't want to leave). Well respected and well connected.
typical post from upper leadership at this company trying to GET POTENTIAL CANDIDATES to accept a job here. THIS COMPANY is NOT good exposure. there are very few and I mean VERY few people that have gotten into a CRM role at the big boy companies from zoll lifevest. I can count 2 people ( and I have been here 4 years) and those 2 got into the CRM role because they are both very smart credible people that should have not ever been at zoll lifevest in the first place. Both were trainers and ranked at the top until screwed over and split several times, and finally had enough of the lies and BS at this place. Good luck trying to follow their foot steps.I was a Zoll Soll-dier and now I'm in CRM AND GETTING PAID!! This company is great exposure for career advancement - Ignore the haters
typical post from upper leadership at this company trying to GET POTENTIAL CANDIDATES to accept a job here. THIS COMPANY is NOT good exposure. there are very few and I mean VERY few people that have gotten into a CRM role at the big boy companies from zoll lifevest. I can count 2 people ( and I have been here 4 years) and those 2 got into the CRM role because they are both very smart credible people that should have not ever been at zoll lifevest in the first place. Both were trainers and ranked at the top until screwed over and split several times, and finally had enough of the lies and BS at this place. Good luck trying to follow their foot steps.
As I said, ignore the haters. They will try to hold you underwater to drown with them!
I rarely go on cafe pharma because it is usually the horrible sales reps that just want to complain however the posts on here are extremely accurate. There are only a very small % of people that will make it past 2 or 3 years. And let me make this clear not because of their drive or sales ability. It's because they got a "gift" of a quota to start and are in an area where the doctors believe in the product. Even after 2 years that won't matter. 98% will be underwater before year 2, that is fact. This would be a great company if someone in leadership understood basic math, quota calculations and how to retain employees. We loose credibility every 6 months to a year when the doctors have to meet "another Zoll rep" orders stop, they are confused and it does nothing to help grow the brand. The company claims we are growing so fast. Well keep adding sales people and doubling up on hospitals and of course you will get orders so the doctors can get us to leave but we have not changed their belief.
Tune out the losers. Just some white noise to a vet like me
Ok Vet! Whats your territory?
Without getting too specific, look at South Florida. Not one person failing here. Also, most advanced and ethical market out there. Eat it losers!!
Without getting too specific, look at South Florida. Not one person failing here. Also, most advanced and ethical market out there. Eat it losers!!
Without getting too specific, look at South Florida. Not one person failing here. Also, most advanced and ethical market out there. Eat it losers!!