Paterno said to be on his 'death bed'.


Wife Sue has reportedly called in friends and family to the hospital after Joe Pa said that he wanted to say some final good-byes.

Do you believe the story?

If you do believe the story, do you feel sorry for him and for the way his football coaching career ended?

Or do you think he deserved to fall from grace in the end?

Before he makes the final exit - do you think he owes an apology to Sandusky's victims for not doing more to prevent their molestations and child rapes?

Finally, do you think Joe Pa will go to heaven, purgatory or hell?

Wife Sue has reportedly called in friends and family to the hospital after Joe Pa said that he wanted to say some final good-byes.

Do you believe the story?

If you do believe the story, do you feel sorry for him and for the way his football coaching career ended?

Or do you think he deserved to fall from grace in the end?

Before he makes the final exit - do you think he owes an apology to Sandusky's victims for not doing more to prevent their molestations and child rapes?

Finally, do you think Joe Pa will go to heaven, purgatory or hell?

He said that he "didn't know where to go with the allegations" once the administration sat on them. He was Joe fucking Paterno. Little boys were ass-raped under his nose, he knew about it, and did nothing. He deserves this.

During the interview when asked about pedophilia he said something to the effect that he didn't even know that kind of behavior existed. 85 years old and had no clue that child rapists walked the earth.

Now I suppose we'll have to watch Paterno clips on TV all next week until they bury him. You should see the headlines over at MSNBC. It's almost as if the POTUS died. Expect a big parade at State College.

This story just proved to me that in America the elite protect the elite. Whether we're talking politicians, Wall Street banksters, cops or big name football coaches. All turn a blind eye to pathological criminal behavior to save their buddies.

Wife Sue has reportedly called in friends and family to the hospital after Joe Pa said that he wanted to say some final good-byes.

Do you believe the story? Yes

If you do believe the story, do you feel sorry for him and for the way his football coaching career ended?
I honestly believe he did what he thought he was supposed to do. He went to HIS superiors and disclosed what had been told to him. He didn't witness it -- he followed protocol.

Or do you think he deserved to fall from grace in the end?
I think he should have retired several years ago.

Before he makes the final exit - do you think he owes an apology to Sandusky's victims for not doing more to prevent their molestations and child rapes?
That's certainly up for debate. It wasn't his fault Sandusky did what he did.

Finally, do you think Joe Pa will go to heaven, purgatory or hell?
If Paterno is going to burn in hell, so should McQuery alongside Sandusky.

It depends on if he made a last confession and cleansed his soul of all his sins. And WE are not the ones to be judging him, either.

My mother-in-law is 83 and just can't believe about molestation of little children. She didn't even know about such things until just a few years ago, so I can actually believe he didn't know such things existed. People like him live in a bubble and a lot of the outside world doesn't get thru.

Joe Paterno did a lot to promote the sport of College Football. He was one of the "old breed," football coaches. He should have retired years ago like Bobby Bowden suggested. I knew Coach Paterno would die after he was fired. He lost his purpose in life and it broke his heart. Coach Bear Bryant only lived a few months after he retired from coaching.

I think for the past few years, maybe even 10 that Joe has been a figurehead and not really in control of the program. I am not being an apologist for Coach Paterno he made some really horrible and unforgivable mistakes. When mentioning his illustrious career people are also going to mention this scandal in the same breath.

I don't think Coach Paterno is going to burn in hell. All of us do not know what will happen to JoePa when he is standing in front of St. Peter. He is Catholic so there is always purgatory?

I get that he was old and clueless, however, why didn't time and the thought of what he'd been told eat at him to the point of action? I can understand a delay, but once nothing got done about it, wouldn't you speak up eventually?

He's dead. He will be embalmed and people will look at his corpse. His embarrassment and suffering are over. No hell, no purgatory, no nothing, just dead.

I will always believe that the reason Paterno failed to contact the authorities about Sandusky was because there was an unwritten rule that you don't rat out another coach.

Paterno KNEW that Sandusky was running a non-profit organization that worked directly with children AFTER he was fired from Penn State for buggering the little boy.

Paterno was not a stupid man. He made millions off the game of football. Don't try to convince me that he didn't know what the hell was going on.

Paterno owed a PUBLIC APOLOGY to all those children who were molested/raped by Sandusky AFTER Paterno KNEW that he was a pedophile.

Catholics have a way of overlooking sexual crimes perpetrated upon children.

I guess Paterno thought that since priests got away with it that coaches should get the same privilege.

Paterno KNEW that Sandusky was running a non-profit organization that worked directly with children AFTER he was fired from Penn State for buggering the little boy.

This one statement just changed my mine about the whole thing. You are absolutely right. He should have said something AGAIN and AGAIN until someone did something.

But I thought Sandusky quit.

Paterno did not do enough. He even said that. When it comes to a child predator, he should have done more - a lot more. So maybe his body rotting out from lung cancer is what God had in store for him. I don't know how someone could look the other way for so many years when it comes to children being molested. It would keep me awake at night if I suspected someone still was doing this and I could stop it. Part of the blame lays on him and his reputation is forever tarnished because of it. RIP.

This one statement just changed my mine about the whole thing. You are absolutely right. He should have said something AGAIN and AGAIN until someone did something.

But I thought Sandusky quit.

You think Sandusky left his assistant coaching job @ Ped State voluntarily without a push out the door? My ass.

JoePa was not a dumb man. Trying to convince us at 85 years of age that he wasn't even aware that acts of pedophilia existed in the world doesn't pass the stink test. He was a dedicated Catholic after all. So he never heard about the priest pedophile scandals in the Catholic Church before???

It would have been the right thing for JoePa to just admit that protecting Sandusky was the wrong thing to do and that he did a great disservice to all the other little boys who were molested or raped by Sandusky at his non-profit organization for children after he left Ped State. Now instead of explaining it all to us - he can explain it to The Man once he arrives at the Pearly Gates.

I wonder if there's a high school in the State College area willing to give Jay Paterno a charity job as their QB coach?

Now the dear old daddy is gone ....... no more free rides.

Falls from grace are never easy.

He kept quiet so he could be the winningest coach, thats all. He answered to no one at that school, everyone works for him. To look at it now Joe who won, you or Bobby Bowden?