Patch pump project terminated


Finally the decision has been made to terminate the patch pump project. A few years late but WFT. If anyone is looking for device engineers Novo should be a good place to shop.


Finally the decision has been made to terminate the patch pump project. A few years late but WFT. If anyone is looking for device engineers Novo should be a good place to shop.

How did you make that conclusion?

Nothing on the internet, nothing on the Novo site, no press release and the people working with it are not informed.

smells like BS!

You all really should terminate your pump project. By the time yours gets to market if it does, the technology from the 3 leading (will be only two in a year) will be so far pass what Novo is entering the market, it will be worthless. Plus people are not going start using Novo's initial pump offering over those of proven market leaders.

Stick with what you know. The pump market is about to be hit with some great innovations that are already at market in Europe and about to be released over there. One word Vaio...Look it up.