Past, Present, & Future Layoffs


Looked at the New Jersey Department of Labor website. Once on their site, searched "WARN NOTICES 2014," clicked on the link, & then clicked on December 2014.

Novartis shows 200 employees being effected with a February, 2015 date. Were this week's Neuro layoffs included in this number, or will these be reported by Novartis in January?

This may be a site worth visiting the 1st of every month to prepare for when Novartis is laying off more employees


Looked at the New Jersey Department of Labor website. Once on their site, searched "WARN NOTICES 2014," clicked on the link, & then clicked on December 2014.

Novartis shows 200 employees being effected with a February, 2015 date. Were this week's Neuro layoffs included in this number, or will these be reported by Novartis in January?

This may be a site worth visiting the 1st of every month to prepare for when Novartis is laying off more employees

The article mentioning the 200 number indicated losses in the primary care field force.

There's also a mention of re-aligning the sales force organization on three units, one of which was neuroscience.

This would beg the question why let a couple weeks pass and then shrink down to just two remaining units?

The article mentioning the 200 number indicated losses in the primary care
Does that mean the 80 employees effected in Neuro will be reported to the NJ Dept of Labor in January, and reflected on their website?

And if the number of employees on their site is higher than 80, does that indicate more layoffs in another division?

Isn't there a number below which you don't have to report an impending layoff to the Dept of Labor...below which there is no requirement for a WARN Notice?

There are always exceptions to the rules. And, if there isn't one for a particular rule, we will just make it up as we go - whatever serves our interest.

The question you need to ask: in whose interest?

Isn't there a number below which you don't have to report an impending layoff to the Dept of Labor...below which there is no requirement for a WARN Notice?
It does not appear so. I followed 1st poster's suggestion, and once I got to 2014 warn notices, looked at every single month. All are listed separately.

Novartis reported 9 separate notices in Feb, 2014 with the # of "Workforce Affected" ranging from 2-561 people. The #s were 2, 4, 561, 2, 23, 8, 4, 8, 4, 138, & 100. The "Effective Date" was mainly April & May with 1 exception, 2/5/14.

March had 1 notice, there were 15 notices in April, and 1 in December for 200 people.

Wonder what will show up in January, 2015?

Why do you guys have to go a government website to find out what your company's plans are for their employees? Why doesn't management just communicate directly with its employees? Seems kinds of strange if you ask me.

The last oster asks the question? The answers is they aren't going to tell you u are about to be fired moron!

The last thing NVS wants is to alert reps that they will be let go. They want all the reps to be working hard for the company not interviewing for another job.

If the NVS reps were smart they would have the old resume out 24/7 as you never know when the axe will fall!