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How can the board turn down Pfizer's amazing offer?? His JOB is to increase shareholder value, and they turn their backs on what was an incredible offer!!! Unbelievable!


How can the board turn down Pfizer's amazing offer?? His JOB is to increase shareholder value, and they turn their backs on what was an incredible offer!!! Unbelievable!

Hold on, don't get your panties in a twist. This was just the first round. Never worry~the dance has a few more twirls and dips......

then it will be merger mania and layoffs for many!

My God! What in the hell is Pascal waiting for!!?? This is a great deal for the shareholders! Make it happen Pascal!!! NOW!

PS is no fool. He knows what he is doing. Pfizer will come back with a sweeter offer. Do not believe negotiations are over. The board and major stockholders are looking at a significant windfall. Oh I've been around for quite a bit of time. I have some nice options. I stand to make significant six figures. I deserve it for putting up with this cesspool these many years.

PS is no fool. He knows what he is doing. Pfizer will come back with a sweeter offer. Do not believe negotiations are over. The board and major stockholders are looking at a significant windfall. Oh I've been around for quite a bit of time. I have some nice options. I stand to make significant six figures. I deserve it for putting up with this cesspool these many years.
Hell yes bring it on. He is negotiating a better deal and there are several financial and legal team working on it right now. Never take Pfizer's initial offer because they always come back to the table. It is a familiar dance that it going on right now but it will end the same.
I have 2 years to go until full retirement and holding on to many stock options. If the price is right, I can retire early and take away more money than if I had stayed around for 4 more years. Bring it on Pascal because there aren't any people left at AZ that I give a shit about and most of them deserve to be let go anyway. Just do it baby.

Hell yes bring it on. He is negotiating a better deal and there are several financial and legal team working on it right now. Never take Pfizer's initial offer because they always come back to the table. It is a familiar dance that it going on right now but it will end the same.
I have 2 years to go until full retirement and holding on to many stock options. If the price is right, I can retire early and take away more money than if I had stayed around for 4 more years. Bring it on Pascal because there aren't any people left at AZ that I give a shit about and most of them deserve to be let go anyway. Just do it baby.

I am amazed at your greed, arrogance and indifference. You want to know what is wrong with your whole post? Your narcissism and sense of entitlement at the detriment of others. Afer this deal is done, our colleagues will be faced with tough decisions and concerns for their families fiscal future. A lot is at stake here and real concerns exist for the majority of the AZ workforce. Do not minimize the hardship this deal will cause because you will get yours. Your attitude is revolting.

I am amazed at your greed, arrogance and indifference. You want to know what is wrong with your whole post? Your narcissism and sense of entitlement at the detriment of others. Afer this deal is done, our colleagues will be faced with tough decisions and concerns for their families fiscal future. A lot is at stake here and real concerns exist for the majority of the AZ workforce. Do not minimize the hardship this deal will cause because you will get yours. Your attitude is revolting.

This is not about you or your families. This is about money and more money!!!!!!!

[QUOthatnonymous;5072068]This is not about you or your families. This is about money and more money!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Of course is. But to gloat about your potential windfall to disparage those who will be displaced is tacky at best. It is downright evil. This is the new attitude in America's corporate culture? Screw you, I got mine.

I am amazed at your greed, arrogance and indifference. You want to know what is wrong with your whole post? Your narcissism and sense of entitlement at the detriment of others. Afer this deal is done, our colleagues will be faced with tough decisions and concerns for their families fiscal future. A lot is at stake here and real concerns exist for the majority of the AZ workforce. Do not minimize the hardship this deal will cause because you will get yours. Your attitude is revolting.

Lol I love when financially illiterate peeps use terms like fiscal. Lol.
L. Related, if you were looking for another job lest say, 6 months ago. Did u ever tell your manager or send letter to HR that you were considering leaving for better "fiscàl" oppirtunity?
L. Why not? Oh you think the employer is required to act in YOUR self interest , but you have no reciprocal duty? That makes YOU selfish and greedy. See how that works. Your just a favor of production, like a desk or a laptop in an office. All are expendable. Remember, people are NOT assets. Look at a financial statement. You won't see how many people. Your labor is rented . YOU sell your labor to highest bidder, or whatever is comfy for you. Period. When your labor is not nneeded, then it's time to move on. You're not owed anything.

Lol I love when financially illiterate peeps use terms like fiscal. Lol.
L. Related, if you were looking for another job lest say, 6 months ago. Did Get a clueever tell your manager or send letter to HR that you were considering leaving for better "fiscàl" oppirtunity?
L. Why not? Oh you think the employer is required to act in YOUR self interest , but you have no reciprocal duty? That makes YOU selfish and greedy. See how that works. Your just a favor of production, like a desk or a laptop in an office. All are expendable. Remember, people are NOT assets. Look at a financial statement. You won't see how many people. Your labor is rented . YOU sell your labor to highest bidder, or whatever is comfy for you. Period. When your labor is not nneeded, then it's time to move on. You're not owed anything.

Are you cognitively challenged? Did I say I was owed anything?? No...I did not. I said it isn't right to disparage people who will be let go. This is about manners, class. Get a clue and don't waste my time with your rant. Grow up.

Lol I love when financially illiterate peeps use terms like fiscal. Lol.
L. Related, if you were looking for another job lest say, 6 months ago. Did u ever tell your manager or send letter to HR that you were considering leaving for better "fiscàl" oppirtunity?
L. Why not? Oh you think the employer is required to act in YOUR self interest , but you have no reciprocal duty? That makes YOU selfish and greedy. See how that works. Your just a favor of production, like a in an office. All are expendable. Remember, people are NOT assets. Look at a financial statement. You won't see how many people. Your labor is rented . YOU sell your labor to highest bidder, or whatever is comfy for you. Period. When your labor is not nneeded, then it's time to move on. You're not owed anything.

This is one of the dumbest things I have ever read. You are ok with being viewed as expendable? Your skill sets don't set you apart? If you see yourself in the way you describe, you won't get a good job. In great companies PEOPLE are assets. Steve Jobs? Asset. Warren Buffett? Asset. Sheryl Sandburg? Asset. The list could go on forever. If you want to lump yourself in with a sack of corn on the commodities market - go right ahead. But don't speak for the rest of us who have key skill sets and a history of success.

This is one of the dumbest things I have ever read. You are ok with being viewed as expendable? Your skill sets don't set you apart? If you see yourself in the way you describe, you won't get a good job. In great companies PEOPLE are assets. Steve Jobs? Asset. Warren Buffett? Asset. Sheryl Sandburg? Asset. The list could go on forever. If you want to lump yourself in with a sack of corn on the commodities market - go right ahead. But don't speak for the rest of us who have key skill sets and a history of success.

AZ average field rep? Liability. 100% fired and after the takeover, no real difference in sales, huge increase in profits. If you think you're making a difference as an AZ rep it proves the point that you're dumb as a box of rocks.

AZ average field rep? Liability. 100% fired and after the takeover, no real difference in sales, huge increase in profits. If you think you're making a difference as an AZ rep it proves the point that you're dumb as a box of rocks.

The discussion was about people - are they expendable or assets? I believe people are assets. I sell myself as an asset - if I cannot sell myself no one else is going to.

I dont know why you go off on a goofy tangent...I don't think my contributions at AZ will save me & I never made that claim. I won't lower myself to your standards by calling names. But I must insist that you read and comprehend the post before replying.

The discussion was about people - are they expendable or assets? I believe people are assets. I sell myself as an asset - if I cannot sell myself no one else is going to.

I dont know why you go off on a goofy tangent...I don't think my contributions at AZ will save me & I never made that claim. I won't lower myself to your standards by calling names. But I must insist that you read and comprehend the post before replying.

An asset is a financial term , listed on a balance sheet. It had a specific value in financial statements. In you mr usage, asset is merely a figure if speech. You are labor. Labor is not an asset for a company. Labor is an expense, like a utility bill. You 're an asset only in your own mind, in a figurative sense. You're expendable, an expense that can be cut, like rent, electric, etc. A company can sell off an asset for $$. Can AZ sell you off as an "asset"? Nope, because you're not an asset. I know , truth hurts. Remember , it's called human resources, not human assets.

Honestly, I think AZ will use a poison pill or some other tactic to fend off Pfizer. The British government does not want this deal to happen.

hahaha. the british govt will make a show about job loss for public consumption. reality is they will be thrilled to have Pfizer move its global hq to great britan and pay taxes there

Message above is 'right' on. Brits are playing it up that they want to preserve jobs, blah, blah, blah! It's just a show! Smarten up folks--Brits will love having Pfizer's presence there. This is all a show for the little people... Pfizer will prevail & PS & board members, etc. shareholders will be laughing all the way to the bank!!!! I suggest u All get your finances in order cause this ride is over. Don't count on much coming your way via severance, etc., cause AZ doesn't give a rats ass about u. Take care of #1--YOU, cause that's what PS is doing for himself!