Parting thoughts


Just about everyone in my district, including my manager, is a genuinely nice, caring, warm, talented person. Everyone helped everyone else out, and no one was territorial. I made some great friends. I have rarely had the opportunity in my career to work with this caliber of people.

The only douche was our regional director, and he poisoned the well for everyone in his region. Too bad he is still around to infect all the new hires with his negativity.

Without naming your district, or at least your.RD's initials, your post is useless.


Exactly , a stupid post. I can tell you as an Ex-CSO my DM was horrible and not helpfu. The entire division was also not friendly and would NEVER respond to any question I had. Will not miss these people.

Just about everyone in my district, including my manager, is a genuinely nice, caring, warm, talented person. Everyone helped everyone else out, and no one was territorial. I made some great friends. I have rarely had the opportunity in my career to work with this caliber of people.

The only douche was our regional director, and he poisoned the well for everyone in his region. Too bad he is still around to infect all the new hires with his negativity.


Just about everyone in my district, including my manager, is a genuinely nice, caring, warm, talented person. Everyone helped everyone else out, and no one was territorial. I made some great friends. I have rarely had the opportunity in my career to work with this caliber of people.

The only douche was our regional director, and he poisoned the well for everyone in his region. Too bad he is still around to infect all the new hires with his negativity.

don't know the reference from the OP. I do know it applies to the RD in my area, Mr. "5:30 AM" - Christian K. What an insincere POS. as if that's how he made his bones. listen, future MNK folks, good luck… 'cause you're gonna need it.

an inventive loser that you are so much better than and will obviously shame in the coming weeks.

don't know the reference from the OP. I do know it applies to the RD in my area, Mr. "5:30 AM" - Christian K. What an insincere POS. as if that's how he made his bones. listen, future MNK folks, good luck… 'cause you're gonna need it.

an inventive loser that you are so much better than and will obviously shame in the coming weeks.

Original poster here. Yes, it was CK. He's a total whack job.