Parkway Clinical Lab- Pennsylvania


Anyone heard of this lab? I am going to an interview for a sales position and need some information. I saw the previous post that was removed. Should the removal of that post be a red flag?


I worked for PCL for about a year. I left because of insurance billing issues. They are OON with most insurers and it was tough on my clients. Also, they billed patients for Co-pays and dedcutibles but never really trying to get paid. It lowered my commission. My clients also had about 20% captitated clients that PCL wouldn't bill anyone for, which also lowered my commission. I was told they would lose the client if they billed capitated paitents I left to sell in the pathology space for an in network lab. PCL was OK to work for, but I always felt they were a small company trying to act like they were actually bigger. I also did not get a good vibe from their CEO & sales managment. I just never trusted them. But that could just be me. I wouldn't recommend either way. Decision is yours

Thanks for the reply. I interviewed last week.Offered me the job but I turned it down. I was offered a job with a local genetics company and took it. Management there seemed more competent and genuine. I now understand what you wrote about the owner & his female 2nd in command. They really rubbed me the wrong way and just gave me a bad feeling.

Not to but in but I am surprised you picked a genetics company vs a lab that could do Toxicology, PGX, Blood and Cancer Carrier testing so you do not have to try and carve out just the genetics testing. BTW I know a few genetic labs you will want to avoid for certain but not going to start a war posting their names on here. Why don't you email me so we can talk one on one for a few minutes. tisleytn at gmail dot com
It is become more and more important for labs to be able to bill and collect which normally means being able to bill In-Network vs totally out-of-network.

Thanks for the reply. I interviewed last week.Offered me the job but I turned it down. I was offered a job with a local genetics company and took it. Management there seemed more competent and genuine. I now understand what you wrote about the owner & his female 2nd in command. They really rubbed me the wrong way and just gave me a bad feeling.

Agreed. Id interviewed there as well with the sales manager. She just seemed disconnected from the lab, just didn't get a good vibe either and didn't move forward.

Just interviewed at this lab last week. Very strange interview. The owner and sales vp were like used car salespeople. I asked about in network contracts (they have none) and they just kept coming back to out of network reimbursements are so much higher, that is why they don't go in network. Not the correct answers for me. I heard this too many times from other labs and go burned. I passed

i don't know about the rest of the company but the sales management and sales team is full of ignorance, arrogance, nastiness, underhanded gossip and backbiting. I guess the last part is normal for doesn't/didn't work for me.

Interviewed at this lab last week. They offered me a job but I turned it down. I did some digging on this company and from my contacts heard they are in trouble. Told they have a tough time getting paid by insurers since they are an out of network lab. My contacts told me to stay clear as turnover in sales is high.

Was going to interview 2 week back. Called people I know in industry and contacts I have at insurances. Told this lab is getting paid only 50% of claims submitted and is being looked at for their arrangements with in office labs & the codes they are billing (80% are the top 2 tiers of codes). I was told to stay clear. I never took the interview.

Aren't they a toxicology lab? Not surprising if they're only billing a few codes...that's the point of specialty labs and no different than any other specialty lab. I don't see what the fuss is all about.

The codes they bill are the largest tiered toxicology codes. Insurers are saying these codes are medically unnecessary and are beginning to reject them. This is what Parkway and other labs are doing. Billing the 2 most expensive codes 80%! This is a huge deal and a trap for specialty labs as CMS and private insurers are preparing the audits to get their money back!