Paragard not a medical device


All you glorified paragard reps - YOU are JUST pharma reps. A true medical device rep is selling in the OR, working with surgeons...on spines, hips, knees, etc.. A TRUE device rep is a 1099 employee making $350+ year. They do not have glorified micro district managers. The 1099 reps are on call 24/7. Are paragard reps on call 27/7? NO. Can you place yourself in a 24/7 working environment with paragard...NO. Are you still A pharma rep, YES. Do you see any of the following device companies on the cafe pharma board? NO.... Top leading device companies that ARE NOT ON cafepharma include: Medtronic/GE/Philips/Baxter/Stryker/Zimmer/3M/Boston Scientific. AGAIN, these companies are not on cafepharma......
Bottom are toast...thinking you can market yourself as a device rep for another company...You will never get looked're just pharma reps!!!

Paragard IS a medical device. Paragard Reps are NOT traditional device reps. Paragard reps ARE more than just pharma reps because they sell in the "buy and bill" format and do inservices to teach a procedural technique. The medical device companies you referenced ARE on Cafepharma. Go to company boards and then click on medical devices. There you have it.

If we are a medical device company, why do I have to make a certain number of calls for Targets, Super Targets and Hyper Targets? You DM's and people at the top, stop calling us and trying to re brand us as a "device company". You sound stupid when you do it. When all of you drop the T, ST, HP, detailing, role playing, 8 calls/per day, unit goals, ect, THEN you can call us a "device company". So stop prostituting yourselves to the "corporate image and direction", and stop with the silliness because you look like fools.

Re: Medical device on cafepharma

All you glorified paragard reps - YOU are JUST pharma reps. A true medical device rep is selling in the OR, working with surgeons...on spines, hips, knees, etc.. A TRUE device rep is a 1099 employee making $350+ year. They do not have glorified micro district managers. The 1099 reps are on call 24/7. Are paragard reps on call 27/7? NO. Can you place yourself in a 24/7 working environment with paragard...NO. Are you still A pharma rep, YES. Do you see any of the following device companies on the cafe pharma board? NO.... Top leading device companies that ARE NOT ON cafepharma include: Medtronic/GE/Philips/Baxter/Stryker/Zimmer/3M/Boston Scientific. AGAIN, these companies are not on cafepharma......
Bottom are toast...thinking you can market yourself as a device rep for another company...You will never get looked're just pharma reps!!!

So not the case: