Serious post (cause you asked) plus a little advice on SOP:
>DSI uses paper forms for now. You can send the booklet back with staff, or wait in the hall for doc to say "you need a quick signature?".
>At some point in your day, you recognize that DSI wants 10 call/day, with a 60% signature to sample ratio. Thus, when you hit your 6 on any given day, you are now signature hunting for the next day, and so on...
>Make sure you advise your docs that they should not date the form (see previous line)
>You are expected to hit 60% ratio, but it averages out over the month. Some weeks you are 45%, other weeks it's 85%...but by end of month, it needs to be 60% average for the 30 day period.
>You are expected to complete the forms and submit them to processing weekly. I've found you can mail them in every 4-5 weeks, and no one cares.
Hope this info helps