Paola Di Vincenzo


Who interviewed and hired this guy? Brett come on, this is who you hired to turn the ship around. Really losing confidence in your leadership as the only thing saving you is how far your head is up Geoff’s back-side.

LOL, wound care...this guy is going from peddling bandages to complex implantables

God speed. Looking forward to the impending destruction of the business

Brett hasn't cared about the business since he bought that shitty vineyard. How's that 1 billion $ Intersect dumpsterfire workin out for ya Brett?

LOL, wound care...this guy is going from peddling bandages to complex implantables

God speed. Looking forward to the impending destruction of the business

Brett hasn't cared about the business since he bought that shitty vineyard. How's that 1 billion $ Intersect dumpsterfire workin out for ya Brett?

Brett hires the absolute worst and chases away the best

LOL, wound care...this guy is going from peddling bandages to complex implantables

Two words


this guy gets it.

Just kidding but he'll probably weave AI into every introductory speech ---- and it'll take him a year to understand what cybersecurity actually means in Med Device ("I got a spam e-mail, better call cybersecurity team").