Pancreaze Bonus Mystery


Does anybody know how PDI managment figured out the Pancreaze bonus ?

Does anybody know how PDI legitimately deterrmined how we were given a Pancreaze bonus???

I got $300 for the 1st quater but I have know idea which of my doctors wrote Pancreaze . Or for that matter any Pancreaze at all.

How can they gain our confidence in a bonus program when they dont have any sales data that they share with their reps who are selling Pancreaze.?

I asked my DM and they had no idea either.

This new sales bonus program appears to be the same.

How di they detrmine bonus for 1st quater 2010?
Did they just graw the names of people who would get bonus out of a hat???

What a joke of a company.

Dont you guys and gals ever wonder about this?

GO team go!

Heard that excessive use of Pancreaze can cause a condition called priapriatism . . . . . . . or a continued woody. This situation (side effect) might affect our future bonus, not to mention our husbands' boni. For those of you in Rio Linda, "Boni" is the plural form of the noun "boner"!