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PAML - Spokane Megalomaniac


New CEO continues his megalomaniac ways. No idea why the Board of Directors (BOD) continues to allow this joke of a leader to continue undoing what took 50+ years to build. FV started his tenure by creating a Executive only haven in a true paranoia fueled manner. He spent >$1.4M on this fortification with an ongoing cost of $800K/yr. This is a non-revenue generating investment for a company he is personally running into the ground. PH&S and CHI are blind to his peacock strutting smoke screens. He is a failed leader who has now surrounded himself by a bunch of highly paid "yes" people. FV has no supporters past or present who he hasn't completely bought off. The BOD would do well to do some research on this blow-hard...just call 10 of the lab leaders though out the country and ask their opinion of FV. Cut bait asap and salvage the good folks at PAML before it becomes another (e.g. Signature Genomics) failed Spokane business.


WOW. Tell us how you really feel. I would have to agree though...organic growth through lala land new lab offerings? PAML needs to take advantage of their JV strategy and become a major player. Healthcare reform could be big advantage for PAML.

Agreed- the JV strategy was the PAML differentiator but this strategy required a collaborative leader. FV is a polarizing leader with zero credibility and only interested in where his next manicure will be performed. He's built an incredible smokescreen which unfortunately seems to be blinding the PAML BOD. This is a true shame as the BOD is allowing this impostor to dismantle what it took a true visionary (previous CEO - TT) to build. This whole issue now hangs with the BOD to fix...take FV out of the picture before he poisons it any further.
Hopefully this will be the event which pulls the veil off FV for all to see his true intentions.

Just saw this the other day and had to throw in my 2 cents. FV is truly a weird guy. He is monitoring all e-mail and has all employees completely freaked out. He has banned all employees from having anything to do with the company founder (TT)!!!! Unbelievable! Company founder's university is giving him a lifetime achievement award and FV did not allow them to film a short blurb on the premises about this achievement. PAML/Providence/CHI BOD should be ashamed of themselves. Elaine Couture needs to step in!
FV is a paranoid freak and is destroying whatever image is left of PAML.

Ha Ha Ha...sound that FV makes as her rides in the limo to the airport. First class ticket everywhere...only the best for this powerful man! He thinks the "SM" in his title stands for SuperMan! In reality it stands for SpinMaster! By the time the dust settles and the cobwebs form on the billing that was once PAML, he will be long gone getting a hot-oil massage in some classy spa.

Cha-ching - the noise that Slone Partners made when they delivered the FV turkey to poor unsuspecting Spokane. Was asked who did the background check on this candidate for worst CEO ever??? If it was Slone they should provide a refund and more to make up for the damage this egotistical jerk has done to the organization.

Hear ye, hear ye - the announcement today of the XIFIN lawsuit is exactly what everyone has been ranting about regarding Frank's complete corruption of the once fine lab in Spokane. There is nothing that happens at PAML that Frank does not completely control. Frank hired Clarissa W and Sean W to do his filthy work. Frank is a bad man and the while the work incompetent is at the tip of my tongue, he sprinkles his obvious incompetence with a heavy layer of arrogance. Talk about a poison treat!
PAML BOD - Fire Frank ASAP. He is a disaster and will completely devalue PAML if allowed.

All tru. Rant ok but better organize. Petition. Simpel as screenshot abov. Get 50 or so worker to sign. careful. FV Walls has her ears with forked tungs. Small group take to Elaine. short meet maybe wait as long as time to see her. Yes, Elaine hav good heart to do rite thing.

Frank - bad. Clarissa- very good. Shawn - everyone on his team has quit because they hate him so much. Elaine - could care less about PAML. Prov hasn't ever supported PAML. Why her?

Maybe my rite no good but my think ok?
1. FV in war with PHC. Elaine PHC mighty anger. PHS no like infight.
2. FV profit no good. CHI give PAML big dollar. Want dollar back. CHI no happy.
3. FV Xifin scandal. CHI an PHS mighty big red face. Dont like- no happy.
4. When wood ready, small puff big fire. Wood ready!!!!
5. PETITION now- small puff.

Lovin the post by the spelling challenged individual. For the rest of you who don't get it, this is obviously a strategy by someone to veil their identity. Such is the culture Frank Velazquez has created in Spokane. It would be helpful if someone could post Elaine Couture's e-mail address so someone (is it you?) could follow-through with the copy/paste recommendation of the one whom shall remain anonymous.
I do however agree: FV = very bad; Sean W = bad; Clarissa - ??; Kim T = coward; Rosalee A = "I don't give a damn what the little man does"; Theresa G = puppet.

For the doubting genius, look at your employee engagement scores and your financial performance! Get your head out of the sand and be honest. As far as whom to put in charge...great question. None of the leadership has any credibility. Suggest to consider the previous CEO as an interim while the mess gets sorted.

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