Palm Harbor, Fl opening?

If you have to go to Cafe Pharma to get the answer, you probably shouldn't even bother applying.[
GROW THE ...................UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have 15 yrs In PHARMA and am not applying if I don't know if the drugs! It is called being informed. Unreal .................thanks to the nice people who applied. IDIOT

Why is this woman such a nightmare? Micromanaging or Manipulative or something else? What quality does she have that causes so much Of The turnover?

Don't know about this specific manager, but overall this place has really turned into a toxic environment if you are in the pcp or specialty sales force. I've been here for awhile and its pretty sad what it has become. Unless you are hard up and in need of some income to pay the bills/support the family I would strongly advise exploring other opportunities. The entire east coast has been a revolving door the past year, a lot of good reps left or are really trying to find other positions outside the company. Good luck

why do you need details. You have been warned. This is not a joke. Look elsewhere or your life will suck till you get out. Why waste 1 1/2 to 2 years of your life. The amount of pointless work at night will ruin your life. Astellas pays terrible compared to other companies. So on and so on. Training goes on for ever as well. Ridiculous for a pcp job. 3 phases of training over a years period. Cmon Man!