Pacific North


What are the main issues in the Pacific North? I have an interview but noticed somewhere on this cafe pharma that there is high turnover here...anyone have an opinion on the situation going on? Thanks

Yes - if you're smart you'll stay away.

One of the openings was an expansion but it was filled I think... another one of the other openings in that district was because the rep transfered within the district to a different territory. (same dm) From what I know that DM is awesome, vacancies were more about personal issues the rep had. I think one of the reps went to law school, I knew them when they were still working there a while back and they had no issues with the dm which prompted the opening.

Despite what people say, it actually is a great place to work. Some people are too used to big pharma and they don't realize this is a smaller company. The products are actually not that bad and fun to sell. Two products with the same disease state... cmon whats so difficult about that?? Some people just don't know how to sell and they get angry because they make no money! I've been here for almost a year now and I love it...

good luck on the interview!

In all honesty, selling those 2 drugs is very difficult, considering one is only a "branded" generic fenofibrate and the other is a Statin that has no impact in the doctor's mind (plus it is the most expensive among the others)
Those Reps gone are all of them in a better place, believe me, a much better place. The mediocres are still around and believing they are in paradise.
The DM is a joke and very impressionable.
But, hey, best of luck, you do what you have to do to support your family.

Lipofen sucks to sell, but Livalo isn't all that bad if you can find the right trigger to make the doc try it. It does work, and has a place, but not if they expect it to be the next Lipitor- that ship has sailed. About the previous post, Livalo is NOT the most expensive statin, and the company definitely has it's issues, but if you need a job, it will do the trick. In this environment, sometimes you have to take what you can get because you really have no idea when the next opportunity will come along. The game is changing and sometimes you just have to adjust, whether you like it or not.