P4 Townhall

That's the problem. An hour to lay an awful lot of pipe for a murky glass of water.

In the absence of something sounding like " ... We're still putting the finishing touches on this thing but rest assured that ..."

a.) All P4 reps will be retained.
b.) Most P4 reps will be retained.
c.) Something less than what we're willing to be transparent about ... will be retained.

Me thinks thar be another shoe to drop. I wish it twern't so ... but given the venue to spread the happy feeling, all I didn't hear ... was what I was listening for.

At least we weren't told to stay by our phones Friday for a call.

I hope for the best.

That's the problem. An hour to lay an awful lot of pipe for a murky glass of water.

In the absence of something sounding like " ... We're still putting the finishing touches on this thing but rest assured that ..."

a.) All P4 reps will be retained.
b.) Most P4 reps will be retained.
c.) Something less than what we're willing to be transparent about ... will be retained.

Me thinks thar be another shoe to drop. I wish it twern't so ... but given the venue to spread the happy feeling, all I didn't hear ... was what I was listening for.

At least we weren't told to stay by our phones Friday for a call.

I hope for the best.

I feel exactly the same way. The call sounded encouraging, but they did not address if everyone will be moving forward to EPBU. They didn't say there would be any cuts, but they didn't say there wouldn't be either. It is what is on the mind of most of us. Will we have jobs come Q4 or not? I told my family after the call, I think I still have a job come Q4, but I can't say that for sure.

I agree. The P4 sales force will be downsized for the EPBU contract.
And if it the ROI doesn't come in at goal the contract will end
March 31, 2012. That's life in contract sales.

I didn't find the call reassuring at all. They are being very vague about the length of the contract. Given that Lipitor has 180 day exclusivity.....that's probably how long we'll have jobs. They also clearly said that a permanent salesforce doesn't fit the EPBU business model, so what does that tell ya? I think the mention of other products like Geodon are just a carrot to keep people from jumping ship.

hi I'm on a Pfizer contract but with PDI...our town hall was the same with nothing to go on.
We wait til Labor Day time frame to hear if renewed going forward for Nov on

That's life in any pharma sales... not just contract. Especially in this economy!

Reps on this contract understand that...most have been laid off from other pharma companies. The ones I've talked to are grateful for the job. I think what the poster was driving at was that we are sick of the uncertainty. It's been going on now for six months.

The only time I have had any confidence in the strength of this contract is when I was first hired. I was told it was on a year to year basis. I can deal with that. But the uncertainty over the past six months has made me less productive and uninterested in this job. Were all adults, just give it to us straight so we can plan accordingly.

They want us to focus on selling atovastatin frankly, I'm going to have to place my attention on finding another job.

I agree, it is understood that there is some uncertainty on a contract but this is ridiculous. It seems like every couple months you are wondering if you have a job or not with no real answers from anyone.

I agree, it is understood that there is some uncertainty on a contract but this is ridiculous. It seems like every couple months you are wondering if you have a job or not with no real answers from anyone.

N. Cole and his boy that talked about how much his mom is proud of him are a bunch of lying pieces of shite!

I agree, it is understood that there is some uncertainty on a contract but this is ridiculous. It seems like every couple months you are wondering if you have a job or not with no real answers from anyone.

What I got from the call is most of you will be carried forward (meaning you may be cut in a week, in a month.) The contract is into 2012 (meaning if you make it through September, you can be cut January 1, 2012, and anytime afterward.) Our flexibility is valued (we are glad we can dispose of you whenever we desire). We are telling you information as soon as we can (meaning we are not telling you).

What I got from the call is most of you will be carried forward (meaning you may be cut in a week, in a month.) The contract is into 2012 (meaning if you make it through September, you can be cut January 1, 2012, and anytime afterward.) Our flexibility is valued (we are glad we can dispose of you whenever we desire). We are telling you information as soon as we can (meaning we are not telling you).

Well said,

And the button on that is our RFCs believe we believe ... and hope we don't ask them the obvious questions. (The first three or four, one word posts on this thread are so obviously from the concession stand of free Kool-Aid.)

So I have two questions for the savvy:

1.) Who decides which rep gets to stay? Because our RFC scheduled half-day meetings with four of us over a two day visit to town. (What we're calling her "Check-u-out" tour.) this "regular day in the field" was scheduled a week before the P4 Townhall call and will take place September 14 and 15. (We think she already knew then and knows now who's in and who's out.)

2.) Has anybody received any email ... at all ... as a follow-up?

Just thinken as I'm driven,