P4 info?


Anyone heard anything about the fate of pfizer P4? I'll take anything, facts, rumors, thoughts?!?! They have left us completely in the dark! I was laid off with my previous company so, I'm not in complete denial of what is to come with this industry. However, being on this contract has totally made this very difficult for me to discern!

What do u think about P4 people in cluster 1? I know the Pfizer Cluster 1 reps are ok (for now) but no one seems to know if there will be a difference for P4 Custer 1 vs P4 Cluster 2?!?!?

Ok the day is getting very close! Why hasn't there been any good helpful info on what's going to happen with us?!?! Usually someone leaks some good/correct info!!! Where are u?!?!

Oh! I haven't heard anything about anything! That's awful! I've only been around since march so its been a fast ride! I'm cluster 1 but I still feel like anyone could get the cut!
Wishing a big good luck to everyone!!!

I still have not heard anything about a call. This is very stressful and I would appreciate ANY news you can share. Who is your RFC that said we will know on Friday?

Got an email from my P4 manager. We are to stay home tom. We will be getting a phone call. He will begin calling each person at 12 alphabetically.
That is all I know!
Good luck to everyone!!!

Got the same message. A good thing is if the WHOLE contract was done then they would of done it on one big conf call, I think Good luck to each of you on this contract. Broken promises ahead................................................

There are only about 30 cluster 2 reps in the country if I remember right. 100 or so total p4 reps. We will see here in a little while how many will be left after today. Hopefully it won't be a blood bath since this wasn't a huge contract compared to others.

Is there still a Pfizer contract? If so how is it going? This is the one that started in2009 ? I believe it was lyrica, Viagra and maybe Celebrex?

When I was laid off from the P4 contract technically ending January 18, this year, I was under the impression that there were only a handful of reps left. Whether those few are still working, I don't know. For all intents and purposes, the contract is over.

I think I remember hearing end of March we get our final bonus for P4.