Oxinium 12 year registry


What's this I read, that Ox has a higher revision rate in Aus Registry than CoCr? Not good guys. You can say what you want...not xlpe, no surgeon tracking, retrospective, etc. Bottom line is that there is no difference in outcomes. I'm coming after your biz boys. Good luck defending with smoke and mirrors.

Anyone? Bueller? No response means not good news. Not that these are falling apart or coming out like attune tibias, but to say they are not even as good as CoCr, that's gotta hurt the up charge a bit.

Knee wear never had anything to do with abrasive wear, never seen a surface fail for that. Delaminated, pitting surface failures you see every time. Oxinium was a high $ solution in search of a problem that their crappy poly couldn't address.

I am not with SN now but used to be. When I left the FDA approved the combo of xlpe poly on oxinium for 30 years in a knee. They will never do that again, but that is a claim the FDA allows for and will not take back. Oxinium was also an easy sell to competing surgeons who needed a nickel free option for metal allergy patients, which a busy surgeon will see a few a year. It was an easy foot in the door for me. The easy flip these days are Depuy using surgeons. Depuy can't stop fucking up these days and the reps don't even know what to say anymore with all the different stories coming from top down.

OP here...I too was with SN for longer than I like to admit. I used Ox as a foot in the door, and also drank the Memphis Kool-Aid when it came to wear rates. I was shocked to see this article, and was wondering what the current reps were saying. I still am friends with many Ox using surgeons, and don't want to bash a product I did and still believe in.

Spent 20 years in orthopedic and I like to go on various sites to poke the bear. As I read this article, my response is , is it bad that both CoCr and Ox are performing well at 12 years. As I understand it the purported benefits of oxinium are not until the 2nd decade. I don't think there is any data on that yet. Any CoCr knee should be performing well at 12 years. Any 12 year data that persona is better than nexgen, triathlon better than Scorpio, attune better than sigma. Within a 10 minute search on any post will find Attune tibia issues, conformist failures, persona tibia issues, Stryker poly issues , etc etc etc. hopefully those that compete with S and N are not hanging their hat on an article that at its core says their knee systems are successful at 12 years