OWNed IT: Read gets $18 million


Read's 2012 pay package included $1.75 million in salary, $3.4 million in incentive pay, stock and stock options valued at $12.9 million and perks, including personal use of corporate aircraft, valued at nearly $175,000.

Read also gained about $5.6 million from vested shares and exercising previously issued stock options, according to Pfizer's annual proxy filing.

Despite a 10% drop in revenue to $59 billion due to plunging sales of key drugs, including cholesterol treatment Lipitor, which lost patent rights in late 2011. Pfizer's board, however, cited Read's leadership and expertise for guiding the company forward.


Read's 2012 pay package included $1.75 million in salary, $3.4 million in incentive pay, stock and stock options valued at $12.9 million and perks, including personal use of corporate aircraft, valued at nearly $175,000.

Read also gained about $5.6 million from vested shares and exercising previously issued stock options, according to Pfizer's annual proxy filing.

Despite a 10% drop in revenue to $59 billion due to plunging sales of key drugs, including cholesterol treatment Lipitor, which lost patent rights in late 2011. Pfizer's board, however, cited Read's leadership and expertise for guiding the company forward.

A bargain. Compared to other CEOs of Fortune 50 companies, that is a bargain. Do your legwork and take a look at what Steere and McKinnell were making 20 and 10 yrs ago.

Relax, people. This is free enterprise working exactly the way it should. The whole point of our large corporations is to funnel money into the pockets of executives and major shareholders. You wouldn't have it any other way.

Relax, people. This is free enterprise working exactly the way it should. The whole point of our large corporations is to funnel money into the pockets of executives and major shareholders. You wouldn't have it any other way.

And funneling that huge sum of $ into a handful of people is the reason the people are fighting for more taxes on the wealthy and more entitlement reforms that protect the the rest of us.

And funneling that huge sum of $ into a handful of people is the reason the people are fighting for more taxes on the wealthy and more entitlement reforms that protect the the rest of us.

Right, give the government more money...we all know they spend it wisely and are always looking out for the little guy...no one in government taking a million dollar golf holiday and sending their kids to Atlantis for spring break on the public dime...no one taking one day trips to Paris for half a mil at taxpayer expense either...give me a break, I would rather give the money to corporate executives!

Right, give the government more money...we all know they spend it wisely and are always looking out for the little guy...no one in government taking a million dollar golf holiday and sending their kids to Atlantis for spring break on the public dime...no one taking one day trips to Paris for half a mil at taxpayer expense either...give me a break, I would rather give the money to corporate executives!

You're an idiot.

For what? stating facts?? Libs hate facts...everything I stated in that post was published FACT! This admin is filled with far more thieves and greed than you will every find in corporate america...Kills ya, doesn't it?

As a typical Conservative you've conveniently forgotten the Fortune Magazine expose describing the epic dyfunctionality in the Pfizer executive suites and the disgraceful performance of McKinnel and Kindler. Every Pfizer employee was ashamed of our corporate "leadership". Then there are the terminally clueless J&J executives who almost brought down their company. Corporate America is where thieves and rogues get rich at everyone else's expense while Conservatives trumpet their adoration.

It's fortunate for the country that fewer and fewer voters are being taken in by the lies and deceptions of bitter old white Conservatives............

As a typical Conservative you've conveniently forgotten the Fortune Magazine expose describing the epic dyfunctionality in the Pfizer executive suites and the disgraceful performance of McKinnel and Kindler. Every Pfizer employee was ashamed of our corporate "leadership". Then there are the terminally clueless J&J executives who almost brought down their company. Corporate America is where thieves and rogues get rich at everyone else's expense while Conservatives trumpet their adoration.

It's fortunate for the country that fewer and fewer voters are being taken in by the lies and deceptions of bitter old white Conservatives............

You gotta be talking about the neocons. They love corporate welfare.
Corporatism is just another form of welfare.
Try digging a little deeper before posting.

As a typical Conservative you've conveniently forgotten the Fortune Magazine expose describing the epic dyfunctionality in the Pfizer executive suites and the disgraceful performance of McKinnel and Kindler. Every Pfizer employee was ashamed of our corporate "leadership". Then there are the terminally clueless J&J executives who almost brought down their company. Corporate America is where thieves and rogues get rich at everyone else's expense while Conservatives trumpet their adoration.

It's fortunate for the country that fewer and fewer voters are being taken in by the lies and deceptions of bitter old white Conservatives............

you are living in a fantasy world...more and more people on government welfare, record numbers even as the admin alleges the economy is improving...it is just flat out unsustainable, look at Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Italy....why do libs insist on driving the US towards a model that we see failing elsewhere right before our eyes?? Because they don't think for themselves, they believe what they are told by politicians and the main stream media...

you are living in a fantasy world...more and more people on government welfare, record numbers even as the admin alleges the economy is improving...it is just flat out unsustainable, look at Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Italy....why do libs insist on driving the US towards a model that we see failing elsewhere right before our eyes?? Because they don't think for themselves, they believe what they are told by politicians and the main stream media...

More deception. Germany and France are doing fine. The UK is getting a good handle on it's deficit. The Nordic countries are doing very well. So is Switzerland. Funny how you forgot to mention all those countries.

Our US model is failing because the rich and big corporations are not paying their fair share of taxes. Mitt Romney only paid 13% in taxes. Warren Buffett paid 17% in taxes. We have billionaires that pay no taxes. General Electric is the corporate poster child for avoiding taxes - one year they paid no taxes at all on 14 billion dollars of profit. Google launders its profits through the Netherlands and Ireland so they only pay 2.4% tax. The list of tax-dodging U.S. corporations is long.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, between 1979 and 2005 the inflation-adjusted income of families in the middle of the income distribution rose 21 percent. Meanwhile, over the same period, the income going to the top 1 percent increased by 275 percent and the income of the very rich, the top 100th of 1 percent of the income distribution, rose by 480 percent. You can see clearly where the money in this country is going if you just open your eyes.

The above is the real world, a quite different place than the Conservative fantasy world. As I've already said, more and more voters are realizing our bitter, white Conservatives have nothing to give........

More deception. Germany and France are doing fine. The UK is getting a good handle on it's deficit. The Nordic countries are doing very well. So is Switzerland. Funny how you forgot to mention all those countries.

Our US model is failing because the rich and big corporations are not paying their fair share of taxes. Mitt Romney only paid 13% in taxes. Warren Buffett paid 17% in taxes. We have billionaires that pay no taxes. General Electric is the corporate poster child for avoiding taxes - one year they paid no taxes at all on 14 billion dollars of profit. Google launders its profits through the Netherlands and Ireland so they only pay 2.4% tax. The list of tax-dodging U.S. corporations is long.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, between 1979 and 2005 the inflation-adjusted income of families in the middle of the income distribution rose 21 percent. Meanwhile, over the same period, the income going to the top 1 percent increased by 275 percent and the income of the very rich, the top 100th of 1 percent of the income distribution, rose by 480 percent. You can see clearly where the money in this country is going if you just open your eyes.

The above is the real world, a quite different place than the Conservative fantasy world. As I've already said, more and more voters are realizing our bitter, white Conservatives have nothing to give........

France is doing FINE??? Lol, what news have you been reading? Trying to solve their problems by taxing the rich at 75%, then they split the country!! Their newly elected socialist leader has an approval rating in the 30's already! You really do live in a fantasy world, don't you?? And Germany is doing better BECAUSE they cut a lot of the social welfare programs, reigned in government spending- Hell Germany was telling the US we needed to get a handle on our debt!....You really do need to do some of your own research rather than spitting back out lib talking points...