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owebama's biggest mistake


Is that he wasn't a good enough storyteller! He still thinks people are just too stupid to understand how great he is. This from the guy who's entire life story is a lie, creating a best seller and duping millions. This from the guy who spun it so thinck, he had millions swooning at his feet.

The comments after the article says it all.


The sick, and I mean truly sick part is that some still believe in him.

Is that he wasn't a good enough storyteller! He still thinks people are just too stupid to understand how great he is. This from the guy who's entire life story is a lie, creating a best seller and duping millions. This from the guy who spun it so thinck, he had millions swooning at his feet.

The comments after the article says it all.

If he had focused on JOB ONE...the economy, the story might have told itself. Problem is he didn't, and the story was about his incompetence and failure instead of about a booming recovery.

More responses to this nut's delusional comments:
Obama, as is his wont, has reality backward. His problem with voters isn’t what he did or didn’t say. The problem is what he actually did.

Obama has trotted out the communication excuse before, and it makes no more sense this time. Most important, his minor concession to imperfection reveals he is unwilling or unable to grasp the facts of the economic crisis and his responsibility to fix it.

Worst of all, his ignorance is willful. Starting with key gubernatorial races in 2009, every major election since he took office has repudiated Obama’s policies. The GOP landslide in 2010 was historic in size, as was the sweep in statehouses across the country.

In the president’s messianic view, all this opposition proves his unique wisdom. His political philosophy can best be summed up as, “I’m right and you’re wrong.” When he says his only mistake was in not convincing people he’s right, he has declared disagreement to be ignorance.

In certain circumstances, of course, political leadership can mean bucking popularity. But the privilege comes with a requirement: Defiance of public will must be proved correct. Your policies must, in reasonable time, achieve results the public demands.

When they fail — think 8.2 percent unemployment for more than three years amid rising debt and deficits — a true leader accepts the need to try a different course. Only a zealot, blinded by ideology or indifference, would insist on more of the same.

If he had focused on JOB ONE...the economy, the story might have told itself. Problem is he didn't, and the story was about his incompetence and failure instead of about a booming recovery.

Yes, incompetent and a failure. Sadly, his monetary and fiscal policies have mirrored those of his 5 predecessors.

His interest rates were the lowest ever in the history of the country...no jobs.
His taxation remained the lowest in over a half century....no jobs
His Keynesian economics policies.....as espoused by the past 6 administrators as a kick start for a poor economy....still no jobs.

In 2008, the country experienced a huge popping sound...as in housing bubble pop...completely out of the realm and rule of either Bush the 43rd or Obama. According to the USA Today, Americans aggregately lost 39% of their net equity.

So go ahead and tell me yerdad, what would you have done to stimulate the economy and put Americans back to work?

Looking for specifics here. I'm sure you are capable of complying.

Yes, incompetent and a failure. Sadly, his monetary and fiscal policies have mirrored those of his 5 predecessors.

His interest rates were the lowest ever in the history of the country...no jobs.
His taxation remained the lowest in over a half century....no jobs
His Keynesian economics policies.....as espoused by the past 6 administrators as a kick start for a poor economy....still no jobs.

In 2008, the country experienced a huge popping sound...as in housing bubble pop...completely out of the realm and rule of either Bush the 43rd or Obama. According to the USA Today, Americans aggregately lost 39% of their net equity.

So go ahead and tell me yerdad, what would you have done to stimulate the economy and put Americans back to work?

Looking for specifics here. I'm sure you are capable of complying.

Ironically most armchair quarterbacks here don't offer ideas, only criticism. Glad someone finally aslked the question.

Nice name (Night Train Lane). I knew a woman once named Night Train Lane and when she blew her whistle no one was talking politics. :cool: