owebama would love his poll numbers!

The loonie libbies and their union cronies are wasting tremendous cash in their failed attempt to recall Walker. Walker's way ahead in the polls and increasing. 52% of voters say the state is going in the right direction. Wow, what would owedummy give for that response to his policies? Dems are already making excuses! Priceless!


The more interesting story is the box to the right showing that in every other race but the Wisconsin recall, Democrats are ahead in the other races.

He's on the ropes for sure. My prediction is that Romney will win and this time next year, the same problems will exist and we'll be blaming it on Obama instead of Bush. I long for the days when the budget was balanced and the worst thing the president did was get a knob job in the Oval Office.

He's on the ropes for sure. My prediction is that Romney will win and this time next year, the same problems will exist and we'll be blaming it on Obama instead of Bush. I long for the days when the budget was balanced and the worst thing the president did was get a knob job in the Oval Office.

I hope you are wrong about Romney. This country can not afford a depression.

I find it interesting that the conclowns are rallying around a governor who is the target of a criminal investigation, the only one with a criminal defense fund, and leads the nation in job losses.

Imagine what they would be saying had that record belonged to a black guy.

I hope you are wrong about Romney. This country can not afford a depression.
Yeah, that Obama prosperity has worked out so well for everyone. The only people to prosper under Owebama are the bundlers who benefit from the Owebama Crony Equity Fund.

Shovel Ready...seems like so long ago that Owebama made that proclamation.

Yeah, that Obama prosperity has worked out so well for everyone. The only people to prosper under Owebama are the bundlers who benefit from the Owebama Crony Equity Fund.

Shovel Ready...seems like so long ago that Owebama made that proclamation.

The shovel work begins Jan 20, 2013. There is a lot of horseshit stacked up in the White House.

We're IN a depression. It started the day Clinton left office and it hasn't stopped..

Wrong as usual, Vag. Going with your basic premise the depression began in the LAST TWO years of the Bush presidency when the Dims took control of the House. W did a pretty darn good job with the economy which is why when sensible people look back from where we are now, W's days were the good ole days!

Wrong as usual, Vag. Going with your basic premise the depression began in the LAST TWO years of the Bush presidency when the Dims took control of the House. W did a pretty darn good job with the economy which is why when sensible people look back from where we are now, W's days were the good ole days!

Oh sure...

Even the Donald (who now endorses your boy Mittens) said Bush was the worst president ever until Jobama came along and then he amended it.

We have our bookend worst presidents. And now we're gonna have the one ILA says isn't a nickel different than Obama? Start praying and passing your snakes around pal.
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Oh sure...

Even the Donald (who now endorses your boy Mittens) said Bush was the worst president ever until Jobama came along and then he amended it.

We have our bookend worst presidents. And now we're gonna have the one ILA says isn't a nickel different than Obama? Start praying and passing your snakes around pal.

I'm sorry Vag, but I'm going to have to dispute your remarks. The roots of the recession go back to the Clinton Administration, and to the repeal of one of the major banking reforms brought about by the Great Depression, the Glass-Steagall act of 1933. The reasons for the repeal remain unclear, but many believe it was brought by pressure from the Frank, Dodd, Kennedy machine, and their desire to make home ownership affordable to people who couldn't afford them. One of the reasons that the current "non-recovery recovery has not been effective might be that the so-called Obama banking reforms really haven't reformed the banks.

The term Glass–Steagall Act, however, is most often used to refer to four provisions of the Banking Act of 1933 that limited commercial bank securities activities and affiliations between commercial banks and securities firms. Starting in the early 1960s federal banking regulators interpreted these provisions to permit commercial banks and especially commercial bank affiliates to engage in an expanding list and volume of securities activities. By the time the affiliation restrictions in the Glass–Steagall Act were repealed through the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in 1999 by President Bill Clinton, many commentators argued Glass-Steagall was already “dead.” Most notably, Citibank's 1998 affiliation with Salomon Smith Barney, one of the largest US securities firms, was permitted under the Federal Reserve Board’s then existing interpretation of the Glass-Steagall Act.


I'm sorry Vag, but I'm going to have to dispute your remarks. The roots of the recession go back to the Clinton Administration, and to the repeal of one of the major banking reforms brought about by the Great Depression, the Glass-Steagall act of 1933. The reasons for the repeal remain unclear, but many believe it was brought by pressure from the Frank, Dodd, Kennedy machine, and their desire to make home ownership affordable to people who couldn't afford them. One of the reasons that the current "non-recovery recovery has not been effective might be that the so-called Obama banking reforms really haven't reformed the banks.


Finally a respectable post 20/20 hindsight is an amazing thing and finger pointing has become a way of life in America. Not just you, all of us including me. We're tired of this mess.

I loved Harry Truman when he said, "The buck stops here!"

Oh sure...

Even the Donald (who now endorses your boy Mittens) said Bush was the worst president ever until Jobama came along and then he amended it.

We have our bookend worst presidents. And now we're gonna have the one ILA says isn't a nickel different than Obama? Start praying and passing your snakes around pal.

I'm sending my snakes out to Cali, where they will feel more at home, to visit you and SD. :D

Trump's right about a lot. He's wrong about Bush. The data say so.

Finally a respectable post 20/20 hindsight is an amazing thing and finger pointing has become a way of life in America. Not just you, all of us including me. We're tired of this mess.

I loved Harry Truman when he said, "The buck stops here!"

Great Vag, but you don't seem to be getting the point. When someone has done something wrong, then finger pointing is appropriate. The take home message is that DEMOCRATS are overwhelmingly responsible for this mess. THAT was what the info in BB's post was saying and you go off on an inappropriate "a pox on both their houses" rant.

We have one way to clean this up: DEAD - DEFEAT EVERY AVAILABLE DEMOCRAT.

The Republican party may not be the party of God, but the Democrat party is definitely the party of Satan!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I'm sending my snakes out to Cali, where they will feel more at home, to visit you and SD. :D

Trump's right about a lot. He's wrong about Bush. The data say so.

God I love it when a pharma rep tells the Donald he's wrong about someone. All it does is fortify the argument that he was wrong once and now he's wrong again - about Mittens, Mittens? Is this a man? :cool: