Overtime only covers states east of miss.


Ruling only covers states east of Mississippi. West coast is another circuit court. Remember the supreme court did not hear the case. West court ruled in favor of big pharma.

Sorry my west coast nvs friends.

Not true! NY and Ca are automactically in unless they opted out. Every other state had to opt in. If you never opted in, you get nothing. This needed to be done back in 2007.

Not true! NY and Ca are automatically in unless they opted out. Every other state had to opt in. If you never opted in, you get nothing. This needed to be done back in 2007.

I spoke with the law firm Sanford Wittels & Heisler and they told me that Ca and NY employees were automatically part of lawsuit unless they opted out. All other states had to opt in. You can call the firm and find out whether you opted in or not. The 2nd Circuit’s July 2010 ruling affects about 2,500 current and former sales representatives employed by Novartis between March 23, 2000, and April 7, 2007, who are suing for unpaid overtime.

I believe that the ruling has to do with districts and the CA, AZ and Hawaii areas are a district that struck down the decision for reps. I live in the midwest and know that there were some reps here that filed. I did not feel comfortable filing at the time and rightly so. I personally had a direct conversation with a manager that had supervised a rep that joined the suit. He was bitching about the extra work it took him to gather the info that was requested. Does this mean that I don't qualify for an overtime settlement. I doubt that. Now that I don't work for Novartis and never plan on returning. I have nothing to lose as do 1500 others. Does anyone have any real insight into what Novartis will be made to do. According to one article I read Novartis will be one of the comapnies that is gonna get fucked. Karma is a bitch!