Overtime lawsuit & job shares


Job share question. Request-- Please don't share negative comments regarding job shares. It's been a rough few months and I'd like to think we could show a little support to one another.

I was told job share employees aren't eligible for the Overtime lawsuit? Any other job shares told differently?


why would a job share be eligible for ot lawsuit? overtime is paid when you work over 40 hours per week. job shares work 20 hours a week. even when roundtables, speaker events, etc were more routine, never would someone think they would get to or exceed 40 hours in any given week.

why would a job share be eligible for ot lawsuit? overtime is paid when you work over 40 hours per week. job shares work 20 hours a week. even when roundtables, speaker events, etc were more routine, never would someone think they would get to or exceed 40 hours in any given week.

You must be the biggest dipshit! Job shares get paid half of their full time salary and are only suppose to work 20 hours a week. They work a hell of a lot more hours! Why shouldn't they be compensated just like everyone else for working more than their contracted Work week.

Freaking Job Shares! Here's what you get sweetheart:

1. Working 5-10 hours a week when you should be working 20
2. Get to stay home with Little Jimmy or Suzy.
3. Get free gas, free car working half to a quarter of the time the rest of us do.
4. Nice fat check that came last year for Women's lawsuit
5. Pulling up your skirt or showing off your boobs to the doctor instead of having any real disease state knowledge.
6. Stating how hard you work at DPMs. " Janie and I have come up with a Top 10 call list"
7. Being on the List of 100 greatest places to work for Moms list.
8. Having the ability to say " Well, I don't really need the job because my Hubby makes over $150K" While other folks out there that need a job should have yours.
9. Stating on Conference calls..." Well, Janie and I are creating a focused call list to really make an impact in the geography".
10. Taking credit for your drugs being over 100% when in fact its the other men/women in the pod who are busting their asses all day everyday.
11. Neither of you being at programs because it's "Not your day to work "

You must be the biggest dipshit! Job shares get paid half of their full time salary and are only suppose to work 20 hours a week. They work a hell of a lot more hours! Why shouldn't they be compensated just like everyone else for working more than their contracted Work week.

i'm not saying job shares don't do their job. but you think jobshares are entitled to overtime because you work more than you are contracted. that is just plain wrong. according to the us dept of labor:

"FLSA Overtime: Covered nonexempt employees must receive overtime pay for hours worked over 40 per workweek (any fixed and regularly recurring period of 168 hours — seven consecutive 24-hour periods) at a rate not less than one and one-half times the regular rate of pay. There is no limit on the number of hours employees 16 years or older may work in any workweek. The FLSA does not require overtime pay for work on weekends, holidays, or regular days of rest, unless overtime is worked on such days."

by the government's definition, you have worked no "overtime" as a job share as i highly doubt you've ever worked over 40 hours in a week. you may have and probably did work more than the 20 hours you are contracted for. but that is not entitled to any additional (1.5 times pay) compensation. the reason why the non-job shares are getting this settlement is because they argued that they worked over 40 hours per week with no additional pay and by the definition of us dept of labor, those people should have been paid 1.5 times normal pay for those additional hours.

Freaking Job Shares! Here's what you get sweetheart:

1. Working 5-10 hours a week when you should be working 20
2. Get to stay home with Little Jimmy or Suzy.
3. Get free gas, free car working half to a quarter of the time the rest of us do.
4. Nice fat check that came last year for Women's lawsuit
5. Pulling up your skirt or showing off your boobs to the doctor instead of having any real disease state knowledge.
6. Stating how hard you work at DPMs. " Janie and I have come up with a Top 10 call list"
7. Being on the List of 100 greatest places to work for Moms list.
8. Having the ability to say " Well, I don't really need the job because my Hubby makes over $150K" While other folks out there that need a job should have yours.
9. Stating on Conference calls..." Well, Janie and I are creating a focused call list to really make an impact in the geography".
10. Taking credit for your drugs being over 100% when in fact its the other men/women in the pod who are busting their asses all day everyday.
11. Neither of you being at programs because it's "Not your day to work "

This is funny! Nasty...but funny, because it has a 15-minute-infusion of truth. If you ever worked with some incompetent job sharers in pharma's employment heyday, and I worked with a couple job share pairs that were complete tire-fires, the above post is sooooo spot on...

Freaking Job Shares! Here's what you get sweetheart:

1. Working 5-10 hours a week when you should be working 20
2. Get to stay home with Little Jimmy or Suzy.
3. Get free gas, free car working half to a quarter of the time the rest of us do.
4. Nice fat check that came last year for Women's lawsuit
5. Pulling up your skirt or showing off your boobs to the doctor instead of having any real disease state knowledge.
6. Stating how hard you work at DPMs. " Janie and I have come up with a Top 10 call list"
7. Being on the List of 100 greatest places to work for Moms list.
8. Having the ability to say " Well, I don't really need the job because my Hubby makes over $150K" While other folks out there that need a job should have yours.
9. Stating on Conference calls..." Well, Janie and I are creating a focused call list to really make an impact in the geography".
10. Taking credit for your drugs being over 100% when in fact its the other men/women in the pod who are busting their asses all day everyday.
11. Neither of you being at programs because it's "Not your day to work "

How funny. You are absolutley right about this and could not be said any better. Hey while were going at each other even full time jobs at Novartsi were part-time.