Overlay territories?


Does anyone know how they are determining who gets which doctors? Are we sharing doctors with these Cambia reps? What if we lose Gralise writers to them because a neurologist is a bigger Cambia target? Nobody knows what is going on and all the rumors flying around none of it seems fair!

Two reps calling on the same customers is a complete waste of resources. Partners and overlaps is a thing of the past.

Most sales reps have 3 product portfolios, we can handle it. Isn't the reason we bought this drug because we're already calling on these customers? And the ones we aren't add them to the call plan! It's not rocket science.

Just one more reason to keep looking... Stupid move by upper level management. Way to piss off your sales force a little more.

Just came back from the meeting. The former Nautilus reps are a bunch of rude, arrogant jerkoffs. And they are expecting preferential treatment and want to not share our customers. You have been here for three seconds GET OVER YOURSELVES!