Overlay Reps


What is the future of overlay reps?
Overlay here. If nothing happens tomorrow I think we're good for at least Q4. Merging CV and Diabetes indicates the company's recognition that Pradaxa is done and Jardiance represents the best opportunity for growth. CV will not only call on cardiologists but also some select primary care providers. Whether or not overlays will be kept is anyone's guess. You'd think corporate would recognize our value in light of the whole share of voice issue in our market, but who knows what deals might be in the works?

TBM here. Hate to break it to the embedded folk but they are in the same boat as the overlays. Some of my overlays force rank much better. The is no difference by title. The difference is set by your performance and your score by leadership. Multiple leaders contribute to the decision when two people have the same performance. I promise you, embed and overlay is not a factor. This person just wants it to be so because they know that their overlay will score better. So sad.

TBM here. Hate to break it to the embedded folk but they are in the same boat as the overlays. Some of my overlays force rank much better. The is no difference by title. The difference is set by your performance and your score by leadership. Multiple leaders contribute to the decision when two people have the same performance. I promise you, embed and overlay is not a factor. This person just wants it to be so because they know that their overlay will score better. So sad.

So this is happening tomorrow?

TBM here. Hate to break it to the embedded folk but they are in the same boat as the overlays. Some of my overlays force rank much better. The is no difference by title. The difference is set by your performance and your score by leadership. Multiple leaders contribute to the decision when two people have the same performance. I promise you, embed and overlay is not a factor. This person just wants it to be so because they know that their overlay will score better. So sad.
TBMs know about as much as we do. They find out when we do. You're full of crap.

TBM here. Hate to break it to the embedded folk but they are in the same boat as the overlays. Some of my overlays force rank much better. The is no difference by title. The difference is set by your performance and your score by leadership. Multiple leaders contribute to the decision when two people have the same performance. I promise you, embed and overlay is not a factor. This person just wants it to be so because they know that their overlay will score better. So sad.

BS - companies don’t use forced rankings anymore. Managers have very little say in the process because that would make the decision subjective. Companies use objective criteria to reduce the risk of law suites. Half of the time a company like Z associates decides.

BS - companies don’t use forced rankings anymore. Managers have very little say in the process because that would make the decision subjective. Companies use objective criteria to reduce the risk of law suites. Half of the time a company like Z associates decides.

YEP %...It's market potential; accessibility (constantly assessed by Z) and where the rep lives. PERIOD.

BS - companies don’t use forced rankings anymore. Managers have very little say in the process because that would make the decision subjective. Companies use objective criteria to reduce the risk of law suites. Half of the time a company like Z associates decides.

Yes. They absolutely do, every year at the manager calibration meeting. Some managers must be more transparent than others when divulging this type of information

You mean your arbitrator? You dumb ass. You signed over the right to sue, just like all the rest of us slaves in the galley.

Get back to your oars, loser.

My “attorney” would handle a discrimination claim “in court” as opposed to an arbitrator. No one signs over the right to be discriminated against. Maybe you should actually have an attorney then you would might know something about the law. DUMB ASS

My “attorney” would handle a discrimination claim “in court” as opposed to an arbitrator. No one signs over the right to be discriminated against. Maybe you should actually have an attorney then you would might know something about the law. DUMB ASS
To bad for you that stupidity is not a protected class.

BI absolutely uses forced rankings. They did it last year for the managers when they made cuts. I agree that overlay and embedded are in the same boat. Now going to franchise model, Diabetes/CV is significantly larger than Respiratory but I’m not sure if that means anything in regards to cuts in headcount.