Bubble Burster
Bubble Burster
I do hope you all realize that the Social Security system will not, as currently funded, go bankrupt unti 2037. Estimates are that the system could continue to pay out benefits at 75% of the current levels until 2083.
That's 26-72 years, for you math whizzes. These projections are based on current income levels, and current employment levels. As soon as we finally get OBlahBlah out of office so that people can go back to work, there will be millions more people contributing, which will extend the forecast out for a long time. The problem is Medicare, which is where our energies should be focused.
If I eat my Wheaties and go to the ER every afternoon for my daily complete physical checkup, I should be able to make it until 2018, when it is scheduled to go tits up. On the other hand, I'll be 80 by then, so maybe I should start adding some MRI's to my daily routine ER visit.
Try to understand that while it is necessary to fix the system, this is NOT a panic situation folks. There is time to make a considered decision and do it right.
That's 26-72 years, for you math whizzes. These projections are based on current income levels, and current employment levels. As soon as we finally get OBlahBlah out of office so that people can go back to work, there will be millions more people contributing, which will extend the forecast out for a long time. The problem is Medicare, which is where our energies should be focused.
If I eat my Wheaties and go to the ER every afternoon for my daily complete physical checkup, I should be able to make it until 2018, when it is scheduled to go tits up. On the other hand, I'll be 80 by then, so maybe I should start adding some MRI's to my daily routine ER visit.
Try to understand that while it is necessary to fix the system, this is NOT a panic situation folks. There is time to make a considered decision and do it right.
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