Outlook not so good


Anyone listen to the 2nd quarter earnings call? Things are not sounding too good here. Remura data not looking good, uncertainty on Bepo/steroid testing protocol, Bromday sales down, Bepreve not going to float us, etc. It was, however, fun to listen to VA get pounded by the investors (funny he didn't make any time to tell them about how many planes and boats he has). Oh, and this fun fact, stock is down over 16% in after-hours trading. I'll bet it opens in the high 5's tomorrow. Only at Ista can you watch tens of thousands of dollars in stock disappear in a month and a half. I am no longer comfortable with where it looks like this company is going, which from this view kind of looks like a smoldering reck on the side of a mountain. I think the time has come to carry on.

Oh, and for all you trolls that are going to try and say may sales suck and that I live with my mom, keep in mind that it is my high sales for the last several years that lead to most of you having a job.

as always..

stop bitching about everything, if not find another job, Oh wait there are none... Merck just laid off how many people..

if you dont like it leave, let the rest of us go about our business of making money.

I hope the stock goes down to $2 dollars, hello, then Ill buy it on the way up. Hopefully someone buys us and we can make real money.

If not its back to work and making a living,

The great sell-off has started. Down 30% since closing bell yesterday. I have not seen an ass kicking like this since the time someone put a banana down my pants and turned a monkey loose.

I love how at all of our meetings, all of the VM's, all of the emails we get it's always sell more, sell more, work harder, work harder, go like the hammers of hell, yet our CEO can't even convince Wall Street that this company is worth investing in.

Hey Ista, is that an ICEBERG I see in our future? Hurry up, make sure we rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic so at least when it goes down it looks nice! For all of you that still believe in people like VA, TM and SL....pull your head out of your rear! We have already lost over 30% of our stock value TODAY ALONE! And that $200 million goal for Hawaii, kiss it goodbye (It was NEVER even possible). It was always just a smoke screen to get us to work harder and not pay us anymore. Just another bulls#^t tactic from SL and TM. But let me guess, the ISTA Cafepharma police will be on here later to tell you and me that everything is fine, I am just vicious and if we don't like it, leave. You are all kool-aid guzzling idiots in Irvine. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!!! Look at the writing on the wall (for that matter, Wall Street) Bepreve cannot carry us, Bepo nasal is a long-shot, generic Xibrom (I mean generic Bromday) will continue to eat away at our Bromday marketshare and Remura is bombing in clinical trials. Oh, and now that the stock is so low, do you think good ole VA can convince investors to give him that blank check he loves talking about so we can make a big purchase? Maybe it is time to sell a plane or two. I wonder if people will now have the balls to start doing some house cleaning starting with the DM's, RD's and SL. We need new leadership and a new direction. Nobody likes, respects or enjoys working for SL or any of his henchmen.....time to go.