Outdated Computer Hardware


I very rarely go on here but I just had to this morning. I've spent so much time waiting for my computer to start loading stuff that I decided to visit here and say, Hey Fred, Hey Chuck, I"m spending all of what should be productive time waiting on computer programs to load posting on Cafepharma instead. Wake up! We need new computers and a whole new IT department!

I very rarely go on here but I just had to this morning. I've spent so much time waiting for my computer to start loading stuff that I decided to visit here and say, Hey Fred, Hey Chuck, I"m spending all of what should be productive time waiting on computer programs to load posting on Cafepharma instead. Wake up! We need new computers and a whole new IT department!

I spent a minimum of 2 hours on the phone with the "help" desk last week and still don't have a resolution to my issue. Covidien is running around with iPad's and we have our useless, POS T-40's.

Waah waah. This is a new one. Would an IPad really help you sell better? No. B/c you'd be moaning about a product, or a car allowance, or a manager, or a territory, or a competitor. Waah Waah Waah.

I spent a minimum of 2 hours on the phone with the "help" desk last week and still don't have a resolution to my issue. Covidien is running around with iPad's and we have our useless, POS T-40's.

this is a typical response from a loser. what a f*king pansy. go out a sell and stop complaining about not having a dildo. you couldn't sell shit anyways. how do i know, because you come across as an ex-pharma pansy who thinks they landed sweet job in ethicon. go sell ortho device and see if you can make it. i leave my house everyday with a pad and pencil. go stick an ipad up your pussy loser. your the reason ethicon is falling apart and my jnj stock is worth rubbles.

hey ass wipe I did sell ortho for 10 years. All you need is a pen, paper and knee pads cause I know if you're not blowing you're whoring. Not a damn bit of difference between one screw and another. We're selling something real here. And yes, an Ipad or just a computer manufactured this century would help. You don't need one cause again - a screw is a screw is a screw. So what if one has a fine thread and one has a coarse thread? Wow. That took me a long time to figure out.

I hate people like you who instead spread your negativity when I was asking for help to point out a serious problem within MY EES.

You loser. You think EES is the problem with your stock? Don't remember the children's tylenol and motrin recalls? Don't remember patent's running out on some of JnJ's most profitable drugs? What an idiot.

hey ass wipe I did sell ortho for 10 years. All you need is a pen, paper and knee pads cause I know if you're not blowing you're whoring. Not a damn bit of difference between one screw and another. We're selling something real here. And yes, an Ipad or just a computer manufactured this century would help. You don't need one cause again - a screw is a screw is a screw. So what if one has a fine thread and one has a coarse thread? Wow. That took me a long time to figure out.

I hate people like you who instead spread your negativity when I was asking for help to point out a serious problem within MY EES.

computers are for pharma. go gig your sigs and make sure my sammy has mustard on it.

this is a typical response from a loser. what a f*king pansy. go out a sell and stop complaining about not having a dildo. you couldn't sell shit anyways. how do i know, because you come across as an ex-pharma pansy who thinks they landed sweet job in ethicon. go sell ortho device and see if you can make it. i leave my house everyday with a pad and pencil. go stick an ipad up your pussy loser. your the reason ethicon is falling apart and my jnj stock is worth rubbles.

Yeah, this is a great reply because technology really sucks and embracing it is for "pansy's". God forbid I want to be more efficient in the field and not have to deal with being on the phone with the help desk at 10 p.m. instead of trying to be productive and plan out my day. Funny because I never really see any ortho reps actually *sell* anything. Your docs like what they like and all you have to do is show up for the case so your competitor doesn't slot in. Tough gig.

Yeah, this is a great reply because technology really sucks and embracing it is for "pansy's". God forbid I want to be more efficient in the field and not have to deal with being on the phone with the help desk at 10 p.m. instead of trying to be productive and plan out my day. Funny because I never really see any ortho reps actually *sell* anything. Your docs like what they like and all you have to do is show up for the case so your competitor doesn't slot in. Tough gig.

hmm thats funny because when i see ethicon reps the only thing they are doing is inventory and counting boxes of sutures and then crying about contracts. never once have i ever seen a ethicon rep in an actual case where they consult a surgeon on "how to close" a patient. you guys count boxes and the contracts dictate what surgeons use. they do not need help or advice on suturing a patient. if a doctor has to ask for assistance in closing they should be dragged out of the OR by the neck for being stupid and dangerous.

EES puts you through all this training just to count boxes. I dont get it.

hmm thats funny because when i see ethicon reps the only thing they are doing is inventory and counting boxes of sutures and then crying about contracts. never once have i ever seen a ethicon rep in an actual case where they consult a surgeon on "how to close" a patient. you guys count boxes and the contracts dictate what surgeons use. they do not need help or advice on suturing a patient. if a doctor has to ask for assistance in closing they should be dragged out of the OR by the neck for being stupid and dangerous.

EES puts you through all this training just to count boxes. I dont get it.

Hey dipshit, big difference between Ethicon Inc. (sutures) and Ethicon Endo-Surgery. At least do your homework before playing the role of internet toughguy...