I work for a small (newer) lab in a niche market, currently only at roughly 5 million in net revenue. The only in-network contract is Medicare, but OON reimbursement for commercial payers looks great as of right now. They don’t balance bill patients. I have primarily worked with in-network labs in the past, so I know nothing about legality, other than “you have to make a reasonable attempt to collect.”
My questions:
-What is to come in 2018 with OON labs?
-How long can they keep current practices up before getting a lawsuit?
-What entity actually files suit a lawsuit?
-Will sales reps be held liable in the event of a lawsuit?
-What is the play for these types of labs? Just stow away some cash for the inevitable lawsuit and make millions in the meantime?
My questions:
-What is to come in 2018 with OON labs?
-How long can they keep current practices up before getting a lawsuit?
-What entity actually files suit a lawsuit?
-Will sales reps be held liable in the event of a lawsuit?
-What is the play for these types of labs? Just stow away some cash for the inevitable lawsuit and make millions in the meantime?